Nonconforming attitude – Pathologically so.
Creative – Music, working with my hands.
Intense curiosity – Totally. If I get interested in something, I research it or read about it extensively.
Idealistic – In a certain sense of the word.
Happy obsession with a hobby or hobbies – Um, yeah. My girlfriend always laughs at me because I get so into my hobbies. See intense curiosity above.
Known very early in his or her childhood they were different from others – Yes, but not in a "short bus" way.
Highly intelligent – You tell me.
Opinionated and outspoken – Hell yeah.
Unusual living or eating habits – I'm not sure what usual is. I do eat a lot of sardines, and I love to cook (which I suppose is not that unusual).
Not interested in the opinions or company of others – I'm definitely a loner, although I have some great friends. There is a VERY small fraction of society whose company I can tolerate for more than a short while. I like to spend a lot of time by myself. Most people are idiots.
Mischievous sense of humor – I'm very sarcastic, and like to trick people.
Single – Nope. Found my soul mate.
Usually the eldest or an only child – Older of two brothers.