I resisted, I really did. After I started making pipes, I figured they were all for sale, so I didn't smoke but a couple of them. My friends, I call 'em friends but they were pretty pushy, said that I had to quit smoking other people's pipes, and smoke my own. Only way people would think that mine might be any good. At any rate, I gave in to the peer pressure, and pretty much only smoke my own pipes now.
Problem is, I have all of these other pipes that, my friends, stare at or make comments about if I smoke 'em.
They are almost all Caminettos and Ascorti; a couple or three dozen, I would guess. They are all shapes, sizes, finishes (rusticated, New Dear, and smooth). I may have one or two black ones, but the rest are all naturals or in the case of the smooths, red. Never cared much for the black ones. Same as with the finish, I might have one or two of the newer ones, but they are almost all the older ones. They are all bents - some more than others.
I will be going to the St. Louis pipe show next month, and probably will take them to sell. If anyone wanted some before then, and had an idea of what they wanted, now would be the time.
I am not particularly wanting to make a profit off of them. Just occured to me after I read this thread. Sell 'em for what I paid for them. They won't be cleaned up or steralized - might even be dustry. I take that back, they wioll almost certainly be dusty. In the condition they were in when I put them down.
anthony 913-648-2027