
Brothers of Briar

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The Gold 'A Ascortis are the ones you want to look for, and they are not likely to go for $50. The original gold A Ascorti was pretty much made by the same people as the old Cammineto, and are much the same in smoking quality. The newer white A Ascortis not so much, and and are not valued nearly as highly.
I actually sent it to Norwoods pipe repair. I talked to them and they said they'd put in a delrin tenon just like walkerbriarworks...but the turnaround was like 2 days as opposed to 4 weeks. Walker briar must be super busy. Nothing against them at I'm just impatient.
Boxerbuddy":191jvst2 said:
I've been on Ebay looking at estates, and it seems that pretty much every rusticated Ascorti I see goes for right around $50. I took the plunge not knowing much about this brand and bought an Ascorti straight dublin shape that looked to be in pretty good condition for $51. It had a little rim darkening but thats all I could see was wrong, and the seller had a 100% satisfaction rating. I suppose if it sucks im only out 50 bucks.

Do any of you guys have any experience with this brand? Opinions?
Glad you asked this question because I've been wondering the same thing lately. Was thinking of raising the question myself as a matter of fact. I'd been seeing them a lot on Ebay just the same and the prices seemed frighteningly reasonable. With that stated I'll admit to having concluded that "abundance" + "low cost" = "maybe so-so at best". 'Guess I'll have to add one to the want list.

I resisted, I really did. After I started making pipes, I figured they were all for sale, so I didn't smoke but a couple of them. My friends, I call 'em friends but they were pretty pushy, said that I had to quit smoking other people's pipes, and smoke my own. Only way people would think that mine might be any good. At any rate, I gave in to the peer pressure, and pretty much only smoke my own pipes now.

Problem is, I have all of these other pipes that, my friends, stare at or make comments about if I smoke 'em.

They are almost all Caminettos and Ascorti; a couple or three dozen, I would guess. They are all shapes, sizes, finishes (rusticated, New Dear, and smooth). I may have one or two black ones, but the rest are all naturals or in the case of the smooths, red. Never cared much for the black ones. Same as with the finish, I might have one or two of the newer ones, but they are almost all the older ones. They are all bents - some more than others.

I will be going to the St. Louis pipe show next month, and probably will take them to sell. If anyone wanted some before then, and had an idea of what they wanted, now would be the time.

I am not particularly wanting to make a profit off of them. Just occured to me after I read this thread. Sell 'em for what I paid for them. They won't be cleaned up or steralized - might even be dustry. I take that back, they wioll almost certainly be dusty. In the condition they were in when I put them down.

anthony 913-648-2027
I own 11 Ascorti pipes, some with a gold A and others with a white A. They are all premium smokers and I don't notice much difference in quality. My favorite is one of the first Ascortis made, but does it smoke better because of that? I dunno. I have a white A Saxophone that is a near perfect smoke every time, and if there had been a gold A on it, I wouldn't tell a difference from the white. I think anytime you can get one for $50, it's money well spent.
The Pipedia site has great info on the history of Italian pipemakers. Some of it just sounds sooooo Italian. Great reading about the different approaches to this noble art and the artisans behind it.
I got two Ascortis into my refurb shop last month. One (an Ascorti "Business") had a strange bowl. It was wider below the lip, as though it was hand reamed out. I obviously had my doubts about this one. I wondered if it was burned out, and had just been very carefully scraped to remove the burn, leaving this cavity. But I also thought, who the heck burns out that nice of a pipe? There can't be that many total novices smoking new Ascortis. So I had to smoke it a few times.

End of the story: Totally fine. Smokes like a champ, and for a big bowl it's a remarkable slow and smooth burn.

Has anyone else encountered hand-shaped bowls on Ascortis? Or do you think mine was modified?

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