[b]Bents or Straight [/b]

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Well-known member
Jan 6, 2011
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Recently while wadeing through the hoard, I discovered that, the largest
percentage of my pipe collection are bents. Seems I have always peen attracted to them.Anyone care to name their preference?

"There's a story behind every bowl"
I prefer both :D

For bents I like the look of danish and some american styles. For straights I like the look of older English types. Of course there are exceptions always, but if I were going to generalize I guess that would be the way I would do it.
currently I tend to favor straights although most of my pipes are bent! I guess its a phase I'm going through! LOL
Straights for smoking English blends, bents for Va flakes, for some reason. Don't know why, don't care either. :cheers:
Both for me. My newest pipe arrived today. It is a Savinelli Roma bent. A comfortable and light rusticated billiard. I always prefer a bent when up, out and about. Always a straight when home in my recliner. Of course, bents look best with beards...and of course my face has one of those too.
It depends. I prefer Peterson bents & GBD straights. Pietenpauws as they come.
Another brother here with mostly bents. While I have a coupe of straights (billiards), most of mine are bents. Recently, i've been leaning toward the bent bulldogs. Don't know why, just seems to be my preference right now...
I like the looks of bent pipes, but I prefer the smoking characteristics of straights. I have both in the collection, with a lot of slightly bent apples, and princes.
I prefer bents personally; I am a notorious clencher with pointy little teeth and an overbite, I end up sticking half the stem in my mouth trying to find a comfortable position when smoking straight pipes.
I've got several of each, and can't choose one style over another. Generally, my straight Virginia pipes are straight billiards and bulldogs, and my latakia & burley pipes are 1/4 to full bent. Recently I've been attracted to 1/4 bent, where the top of the bowl is parallel to the stem. I'm seem more concerned with the diameter and depth of the chamber than the shape.

Love the look of the bent pipes but it seems i smoke straight pipes 4 times for every bent i smoke...mostly pokers, billiards and Canadians.
All bent here barring the cobs I have. I just find them easier to light and clench.
I seem to remember LL noting once that a high percentage of the pipes that people sent him for smoking quality improvement (airway modification) were bents.

Bents are admittedly more comfortable to dangle from your mouth while both hands are occupied with something, but the most extreme bent I've ever kept and smoked is < 1/4. Because when I come down to it, I'm smoking for the quality of the taste -- not convenience.



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