Began experimenting at making my own sauce. Been looking at the list of ingredients on barbecue sauce bottles. Have also reviewed many barbecue sauce recipes. It's amazing how many store-bought sauces list high fructose corn syrup as their first ingredient. After that some also have (regular) corn syrup, molasses, or honey listed. No wonder so many of them are too sweet for me.
Looks like some catsup, water, vinegar, onion powder, garlic powder, and cayenne pepper make a great base for barbecue sauce. Now I just need to get the proportions worked out. I'm not adding any sugar, molasses, honey, or corn syrup to sweeten and it's coming out pretty tasty so far. The catsup already has enough salt for the sauce. The smoker will add enough smoke flavor so I'm not using any liquid smoke yet. (I think the reason I don't like Stubb's is there's too much liquid smoke in the sauce.) After I work out the proportions for the base I may or may not add some other ingredients; liquid smoke, tamarind, black pepper, Worcestshire sauce, anchovies, chipotle powder, chili powder, paprika, ???. Black pepper, chipotle powder, chili powder, and paprika are the only candidates I'm really considering at this point.
Some of the ingredients on the bottles are surprising. I tend to like basic sauces.