BBB pipes

Brothers of Briar

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Another site that does this is Boswell pipes in Pennsylvania, USA.

They put new pipes up every Thursday morning (GMT-5) and are usually sold out by the end of the day. (As an aside, I tried staying up all night in order to see what would be up today but fell asleep around 7:00 A.M.) I had to let the dogs out at noon. By that time, there were only 4 pipes left. The rest are all marked SOLD and will stay there for a week. Somewhat tantalizing, but it gives you an idea of the pipes to come.

I was able to order the First Pipe of 2012 and am looking forward to receiving it.

I savor my pipes, but seem to have a severe case of PAD and TAD right now. (I also ordered a very fine Tsuge from Marty last night. That should stop me for a few months - unless I see something that jumps out and says "take me! take me home with you!")

Kinda like the ones that camp at the store for black friday sales. I still like the site, Ill just have to be more on my toes to get something
tgwilt":jhrpkp34 said:
Another site that does this is Boswell pipes in Pennsylvania, USA.

They put new pipes up every Thursday morning (GMT-5) and are usually sold out by the end of the day. (As an aside, I tried staying up all night in order to see what would be up today but fell asleep around 7:00 A.M.) I had to let the dogs out at noon. By that time, there were only 4 pipes left. The rest are all marked SOLD and will stay there for a week. Somewhat tantalizing, but it gives you an idea of the pipes to come.

I was able to order the First Pipe of 2012 and am looking forward to receiving it.

I savor my pipes, but seem to have a severe case of PAD and TAD right now. (I also ordered a very fine Tsuge from Marty last night. That should stop me for a few months - unless I see something that jumps out and says "take me! take me home with you!")

I had my choice pretty much today as I was on the site right after they posted... didn't buy anything though. I just bought a nice Rhodesian from them last time. Anyway, thought I'd mention that James at has a nice looking estate Boswell on his site for a reasonable price. If anyone has been wanting a Boswell and keeps missing out. (bottom right)
Yak":wigirgfu said:
But the sale prices on "sold" pipes (dealers and flea bay both) are invaluable information ; IMHO, leaving them up for a while serves a good purpose.

I like it for that purpose as well.
Simple Man":mfgpl5me said:
just bought a nice Rhodesian from them last time. Anyway, thought I'd mention that James at has a nice looking estate Boswell on his site for a reasonable price. If anyone has been wanting a Boswell and keeps missing out. (bottom right)
That site has some interesting inexpensive pipes. This Kaywoodie has me tempted....

Sold pipes on a site do have their good purpose, but its still a bummer when the pipe that catches your eye, is sold. Ive looked at prices myself to judge, if what I see some times, is worth fooling with.
TOUCHY, TOUCHY, aren't we.

The human population includes a small but obnoxious minority of people who operate on the assumption that
their money entitles them to make unreasonable demands on people in business. If LL were still here he could tell you about some he's politely suggested take their business elsewhere. And if TJ were still with us, he could tell you about a few customers (who were being uncivil to clerks) he -- as the bank's manager -- suggested do the same somewhat less than politely (you don't want to get an Italian angry at you).

Business is business, and the customer gets the benefit of the doubt. But he's not always right, and being an enabler in his belief that he's entitled to walk on you is not doing him, you, or your colleagues any favors at all.

If I did, Plumb, it wasn't my intention to, and I'm sorry.

I can see people wanting value for money, and having high standards.

What I can't see is the attitude of SOME very rich people who are used to having people kiss their *****
expect that from self-respecting tradesmen. That isn't in the contract implied by the buyer-seller relationship.
Or, for that matter, in the employer-employee relationship.

Or the same from a customer at the other end (and it seems to be more on the extremes) who wants $30 worth
of somebody's time over a $12.00 purchase, and to push him around as a fringe benefit.

Just seen it (and dealt with it) too many times back in "business" days.

There's a lot better system in prison : You want respect & consideration ? Then you give respect and
consideration. Do that, and you can expect it in return. Come in with the attitude that the world and
everybody in it is going to dance attendance on you, and expect disappointment.

That's what I was trying to get across anyhow. Once again, sorry if I came off like I was implying something personal.

You assume to much here, when you assume you make an ass out if you and me. Your taking something out of context and making a big deal out of it. I havent disrespected or been inconsiderate of anyone. just made a comment on wishing a pipe not being sold. So get your panties out of a wad. Nothing personal
OK. So THAT'S what it was about.

I thought i was what I was writing about.

Wrong again . . .

Hey, I still haven't seen anyones BBB pipes, come on guys, lets get them out!
The one ive been watching has gone past $60 so i dont think its going to be in my range by the time the bidding ends
plumbernater":2auq5efl said:
The one ive been watching has gone past $60 so i dont think its going to be in my range by the time the bidding ends
That bulldog? I saw it climbing fast.
plumbernater":dzj183oj said:
The one ive been watching has gone past $60 so i dont think its going to be in my range by the time the bidding ends
Doesn't make for conversation, but if you like a pipe (brand, shape, etc), it is best not to talk about it. Lots of lurkers and pipe folk looking for the next thing. Too many coincidences of a thread and then prices escalating to make them not coincidental at all. Took me a couple to catch onto it, but now I know better.
Zeno Marx":hqrmg49s said:
Doesn't make for conversation, but if you like a pipe (brand, shape, etc), it is best not to talk about it. Lots of lurkers and pipe folk looking for the next thing. Too many coincidences of a thread and then prices escalating to make them not coincidental at all. Took me a couple to catch onto it, but now I know better.
I dunno about that. I'm deeply involved with sales, restoration and collecting synthesizers, and like pipes, there's just models that escape the targeting scanners of the masses, usually because they, somehow, don't fit the tried-and-true molds. Yeah, a few people might pick them up, but it's all an eventuality. Keeping secrets only prolongs the inevitable by a slight bit. There's a reason why a $20 estate pipe is a $20 estate pipe--if you like them based on their own merits, the slight increase over time is due to availability to the few who do appreciate them, not because the quality or overall aesthetics go up. At least this is my understanding.

Like a synthesizer that is limited to its technology and usability, thus goes desirability. Unlike synthesizers, though, pipes don't suddenly have a niche trend everyone suddenly, without warning, depletes the market for a discontinued pieces for a short period of time and quadruples the price. The synths equal trend in music, pipes are either solely based on collector "value" and smoker's pleasure.

At one point, Zeno, you criticized my posting here of "deals" on eBay with BIN options as if I were ruining someone's secret, which I can understand, to a degree, but the public's going to figure this stuff out one way or the other, or ignore it.

One thing I think is interesting has been the recent upsurge in estate Pete prices that are within a few dollars of those that are new.

Google Keywords: all, old, briar, is, crap, don't, buy, it, or, you'll, be, sorry

There. :lol: Solved. 8)
I stand by my post. I've been involved with a couple collectibles and corresponding message boards since the late 90s. Some are more consumer based than others. Some are more easily influenced than others. There's a lot of power in suggestion. Few people like to feel they're so easily swayed, but conformity studies prove otherwise. A lot of people lurk message boards. If 10 people are participating in a thread, it isn't outlandish to find that 100+ are watching it.

Do most things gain notice and spike in the market? Maybe. Probably. Still, sound advice to not draw attention to the things you hope to obtain. No need to create buyer frenzy or to add to the group, be it small or large, of competitors. I never tell anyone about my favorite outdoor spots. One more is one more too many. I'm certainly not advocating for unfriendly atmosphere, but keeping things low(er) key is generally in your best interest when it comes to collector markets.

I don't always listen to my own advice. It was against my better judgment to post a shape chart, but the belief that the information should be out there outweighed my own best interest.
^ Both FVF and Penzance were quite available for a long time until the **** storm of attention hit the boards.

"FVF? Penzance? Never heard of it. Everybody's talkin' 'bout it though, so I better git me sum!!"

It was an internet forum generated frenzy.

As for pipes, it happens too. There was a thread on Posella Nosewarners about a year ago and after that all available pipes disappeared within hours.

These boards do generate a lot of trends.
Maybe I should give the Internet and the idiots that use it more respect than I do, then.

Well screw you guys in that case, I'll just buy up all the pipes and tobacco. ALL OF IT. RIGHT NOW. :lol:

I do know where you are coming from. I to am scittish about saying right out what im interested in. I never said what pipe I was interested in. Just was curiose of the old make and what yall thought, but I guess it could get some looking out of curiosity and like the same one that I liked. I dont think some of the folk Ive talked to have done such. seems they have been busy with their own bidding on verious pipes. Shhhhhhh THEY ARE LISTENING.

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