Be aware of your surroundings

Brothers of Briar

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PB, I am not anti-gun.
I am against gun excess and the ease that they can be acquired by people who should not own them or can not use them properly.
If it were not for the second amendment and the NRA, I would like to see guns treated like cars.
In other words, pass a test before you can own a gun.
I feel less safe if more people are carrying concealed handguns.

For example, a law was passed in Texas that permits individuals who have a concealed handgun license to carry their loaded, concealed weapon in college and university buildings. The Texas campus carry law signed by Republican Gov. Greg Abbott allows licensed gun owners 21 and older to carry their weapons on university grounds if they're fully concealed. It was bitterly opposed by most academics across the state and sparked student protests. Professors at the University of Houston have started preparing guidelines for dealing with gun-toting students that include warning faculty to steer clear of "sensitive topics" and dropping hot button issues from their curricula, according to a UH Faculty Senate.

I believe that smoking is bad for your health but that is a risk that only affects me.
If our crazy neighbor or enraged driver gas a gun, this is not a risk I am willing to accept.
Oh yes, because guys and gals that jump through all the hoops to get a concealed carry permit are the same people that go into 'gun free zones' and shoot them up...right?
College professors of today were trained by the professors this country produced when perpetually staying in school was the easy way to dodge the draft. And it shows. Anyone who is more fearful of an armed goodguy than they are of an armed bad guy has some serious mental deficits.
The odd thing is these people are often the ones that scream "Don't blame all muslims for the actions of a few extremist". Logical inconsistency.
PB, I think that you are shooting from the hip
Negative, but even if I were it wouldn't negate the truth of what I said. I prefer good guys with guns. Period.
Find me a single mass shooting outside of a 'gun free zone' in the last 20 years and I'll vote for your girl in November. <---- That's shooting from the hip. Guess what, you can't do it, unless of course you bend the definition of mass shooting to the point domestic violence becomes a mass shooting. Liberals, lol. What a funny group.
PB promised: "Find me a single mass shooting outside of a 'gun free zone' in the last 20 years and I'll vote for your girl in November."
OK PB, you have a deal.
Just for the you mean outside or inside?
Outside a gun free zone.
Every mass shooting has occurred in a Gun Free Zone. There's a reason.

Gun free zones don't work. Period. Because only the good guys take their guns off. I don't understand why folk like you can't understand that.
Every true believer in "common sense" gun control has a sign in their front lawn stating that the residence is a gun-free zone. Keeps bad things from happening. Remember, common sense is the means by which we know that the earth is flat.
"Remember, common sense is the means by which we know that the earth is flat."

This is becoming a logic free zone
A few years back, a friend of mine who was living in Escondido at the time, came up for a visit.  As we were walking back to my truck, having gone to the store for some breakfast items, an older red GMC pickup went by on the main road, with a rifle rack in the back window.  My friend, noticing the rifle in the rack (looked like a mini 14 to me), chuckled and commented that in southern California the gentleman driving that old truck, wouldn't  have even gotten out of his driveway before being descended upon by at least two swat teams and possibly the national guard, just for good measure.  Around here though, most people don't even notices such things, and probably wouldn't care if they did.  As I reflected on the vast differences in response between southern California and here, it seemed to me that, to an extent at least, it comes down to assumptions.  Here we don't immediately assume that the man driving the truck is a deranged mass murderer on his way to the nearest clock-tower, nightclub, or mall.  We're more apt to figure that he is probably a farmer or rancher, and the rifle is simply a tool for protecting his property/livestock.  The same way we figure that the chainsaw in the bed of the truck is probably a tool for cutting firewood or what have you, and not an integral part of some deep seated fantasy to live out favored scenes from Texas chainsaw massacre.

      Maybe the folks down in So-Cal have such a dim view of their fellow man, simply because of their close proximity to so many of their fellow men.  (shrug)
Knee-jerk gun nuts writing off and insulting someone with a reasoned and personal opinion is awful boring too.


A CCW Permit Holder

Look Mr Superior showed up..

I've been put in my place, I'm sure Bub will come along and lay palms at your horses feet as you ride off into the sunset.

Nobody needed saving here.
PB, lets forget the palms beside I couldn't find them on Amazon.
I am still trying to find a way to have you vote for my girl in November.
Does a gun free zone that is being guarded by an armed security person count?
Countless people have tried to find one and failed. Lott released a study some time back stating exactly what I did but he went back to 1950 (I think) The anti-gunners have tried changing the definition of mass shooting, attempting character assassination, and even went so far as to attempt to add Active Shooters to the initial report so they could refute that. Lol.

The problem with "commen sense" Gun control is we all ready have it, we don't enforce it. You may be thinking "PB, are you really going to try that old line?" Yes I am. You must fill out an ATF FORM 4473 before purchasing a firearm. The 4473 ask if you have mental issues, drug issues, if you have rejected your citizenship and pledged allegiance to another country,if you are a felon or have been so much as accused of domestic violence, etc,etc. When you finish checking the correct boxes the gun dealer calls the FBI for a background check. If you are denied do you know what happens? You walk out of the gun store. You committed a felony, the FBI knows your name, address, and pants size. Why aren't there any arrest? Because it doesn't fit the narrative.

Those black market sales? It's not Average Joe Gunner.. He wants to protect his hobby. It's criminals selling guns to criminals. And it's not hard to find, go to when you see a $400 gun selling for $600 and no mention of a 4473, or having a CCDW, etc it's pretty clear what's going on. Why aren't they busted? Because if they started getting serious about that nonsense gun crimes would start to diminish, and that doesn't fit the narrative.

When hoodie rat or red neck idiot post the gangster pics on social media showing themselves to be carrying a firearm underage, and usually carrying one to a school, why is there no prosecution. When a guy robs a bank with a gun why does he end up getting probation, or shock probation, or early parole?

If we are going to be serious let's start being serious, After we've started enforcing what have we can then pause to see if we need more. As it stands "common sense gun control" is a sham.

However, after all that.. It's not called the bill of needs.

I'm all about keeping guns out of the hands of criminals. I'm also all for keeping guns away from those that are suffering known mental issues with likelihood of aggression. But that last part should be very limited in scope and should be revisited from time to time...A guy has a nervous breakdown cause his old lady left him, yeah he doesn't need access. The problem is once that stigma is attached to ya, your rights are permenantly revoked, by the people the rights were implemented to protect you from.
Continued later.
While this may not be acceptable under the second amendment can we list some of the requirements that should be necessary for gun ownership.
In the spirit of an open discussion let me list a few:
1) Attending and passing an NRA sponsored course on guns. I had to do this before I could fire a 22 at summer camp. I still remember that a 22 bullet can travel a mile.
2) Since a gun is owned by someone I am not sure how we check out that person. Is this the real problem? If you have a record of gun violence you should not get a gun. If you have been institutionalized for violence you should not get a gun. We can go on and on with this list, and there certainly will be LOTS of exceptions that people react to, but our constitutions says that citizens should have access to guns. Unfortunately these weapons have become more lethal and more available over the past 200 years. If you believe that I am trying to abolish the second amendment then you are trivializing my efforts. I am trying to find that happy space where gun owners and people who fear guns can find common ground. If none can be found, then so be it.
Any suggestions?

Felons are prohibited from possessing guns, Even a misdemeanor Domestic Violence conviction prohibits someone from possessing guns. Even a domestic violence Charge prohibits one from possessing guns until either convicted or proven innocent. When we let a friend live with us after his now ex-mother in law claimed he pulled a gun on her I had to remove my firearms and his from our home. (I know he was innocent because he'd brought me all his firearms the day before she accused him).
Those with mental illness diagnosis (regardless of how minor) are prohibited from possessing guns.
Those with drug addiction are prohibited from possessing guns.
And on and on. These people aren't legally purchasing guns. They are purchasing them on the black/grey market.
You know the so-called "they purchased their guns online without a background check) it's true. You can purchase firearms online without a bad ground check. The problem for those not qualified to possess guns is they online company ship the firearms to a FFL (Federal Firearms License) holder of your choosing and then the FFL holder runs the background check. In other words, buying online is no more an option for those disallowed possession than going to a local store (usually theses same stores are the ones that will process a online sell for you).
Could the system use some tweaking? Sure, but we need to prosecute the felonies already being committed before we start jotting down more things that should be felonies. It's like the anti-gunners what to sit down and discuss the water bill while water is pouring out the burst water main.
I am utterly shocked this hasn't been moved to the rubber room.. then again if I'm being honest I'm not sure why I haven't been banned, anyway, back to guns.

I had called off any furtherance of guns and ammo stashing for the zombie 'pocalyse... Hadn't really much more than onced over the various flyer in the mail. Then last week, "What do you want for your birthday?" A train? A gun? A computer? My mind raced because I really have had that part of my brain caged up. "I don't know." I don't know turned into a Roku stick, I had a Roku box but gifted it to a couple we were a little slow on the uptake about. Well wouldn't ya know it, darn thing didn't work where I needed it to work. So we were out and about this am and she says "You want to go to Bardstown?" (kYGUNCO). Nancy Reagan thought us to just say No.. and I did, but had she asked me twice, coulda ended differently. I told her I needed a Springfield Armory SOCOM 16 and she said okay. Lol. This has got to be a set up, That think would be more than an entire month of my disability after taxes n what not.

I keep going back to Budsguns and looking at those M&P9. Then I saw they have some FEG Hi-power instock. If you need a good beater pistol or perhaps you are on a tight budget but want to exercise your right to self defense, FEG Hi-power are awful hard to beat. They are faithful copy of the C series of Browning Hi-Power. I shot them in high school, one of my best buds had the real deal. The parts were completely interchangeable. Do a little history on the Browning hi-power if you aren't well versed.
I think I've changed my mind. It doesn't hold as many rounds on one hand, it has a soul and history on the it's not made out of Tupperware. So there's that.

Any of you care to share what you carry? Not what would you carry, what DO you carry?
Colt Combat Commander .45, ramped, ported, long trigger, three-dot sights staked and silver-soldered, hex-head grip screws. Needs a beavertail grip safety, then I'll be done with it. Damn, it's late. I'm going to bed.
You sure you really want to know that PB?

If so.......a Russian TT33 highly modified and converted to 9mm.

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