Best Aromatic You've Ever Smoked?

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Feb 10, 2009
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Hey guys,

I had a wonderful smoking experience this evening where pipe and blend seemed to work in perfect harmony. This isn't something I experience too often. I was trying a new to me estate pipe with Savinelli's Aroma lol thinking back now, the pipe is a Savinelli too, maybe that's why! Anywho, I'm on the hunt for more quality aros to feed this great smoker. Any blends in particular that have stood out for you? I have heard Boswell blends are great but we don't get them in England!

Happy Smoking!
DAN Sweet Vanilla Honeydew, Altadis Blue Note, DAN Blue Note, Stokkebye Luxury Twist Flake. I seldom smoke an aro. I get bored about mid bowl. For me to be able to smoke these four must mean, to me at least, that they're decent if not good. If you try the honeydew be careful not to push it.
Cheers Wiliiam, HoneyDew looks like a safe bet. I took a long break from smoking aros too, thinking they didn't have a great deal of depth, but this evening's smoke changed my mind. has a blend called Old Toby Stash that has a blueberry/vanilla/raspberry flavor that is just awesome.
The late Middle Earth (later known as King Arthur) blend from the piperoom. I have 6oz for nostalgia but that was the best I've ever had. Boswells blends are my go to now.
Boswells (except the maple), GH Top Black Cherry, Petersons Nutty Cut, Sunset Breeze, Smokers Haven 20th Anv.
Thanks Kaiser, that shop looks like paradise on earth! Also, that's one hell of a pipe you've got there, what the hell is it??

Hey bulldog, it's a shame that tobacco is no longer being produced, do you know of any other blends that have 'smoke ring makers in mind'? Love the gif of Radagast!

Cheers Bulwinkle, those blends are more likely to be found in the UK, apart from the Boswells :( Does the 'Top Black Cherry' ghost at all? or is it gloopy?
I recently opened some H&H Classic burley kake - it smells more like an aro in the pouch/tin than it tastes like one, to me, but it is definitely flavored. But also really nice. I'm not sure its the best I've ever had but its really hitting the spot for me right now as the weather warms up.
Aromatics I really enjoy that you probably are able to find in England -
MacBaren Vanilla Cream
Dan Tobacco Blue Note, Milonga, and Sweet Vanilla Honeydew
Peter Stokkebye Heather Honey
Lakeland flakes from Gawith & Hoggarth - Ennerdale Flake, Rum Flake, Brown Flake Scented, & Scotch Flake

Most of the aromatics I prefer are from smaller blenders here in the US -
Milan Tobacconists
pipeworks & wilke
The one and only aro that I can deal with is Uhle's 255, which is what my late Pap smoked exclusively. It's primarily Burley with a light licorice topping.

I like it OK, but certainly wouldn't want it on a regular basis.

Not an aro guy at all.


Rob_In_MO":88iuafn3 said:
Best Aro?

Dan Tobacco's Milonga.

A Very High quality VA blend with just the right amount of topping.
THIS +1 :twisted:
I'll +1 Bullwinkle on the GH Top Black Cherry. I've just gotten into it and think it's going to be one of my favorites. I really start to enjoy it about mid bowl. I also really like PS Luxury Twist Flake.
Right now I've taken a shine to Sutliff's Barbados Plantation.

This one took me by surprise. There is no reason why I should like this one, sticky, goopy, propylene glycol laden, full of black Cavendish. But for some reason it works. Excellent room note, burns down to nothing but bit of dottle and grey ash, easy to keep lit, and absolutely no tongue bite. On paper this is a tobacco I would never have tried myself, but at last years GKCPC show I was given a free tin. Since then I've smoked 4 tins of the stuff. I guess that goes to show you not to knock it till you've tried it.
1Q house blends have been my favorite for a long time. For some reason the "high end" aros burn me bad but the cheap goopy stuff treats me right. Go figure. Stanwell melange treated me well , taste like carmel.
For the most part, the fancy Aros don't do it for me. When I want something sweet, I prefer 1Q or CBW. Though, C&D Autumn Evening is a worthwhile smoke.
Growley":ckywr7cs said:
I'll +1 Bullwinkle on the GH Top Black Cherry. I've just gotten into it and think it's going to be one of my favorites. I really start to enjoy it about mid bowl. I also really like PS Luxury Twist Flake.
Have you tried the black cherry twist? I smoked a bowl at a rhondyvoo last year. I liked it. May get some more if my ship ever comes in.
Thanks for all the comments, I appreciate a lot of you don't smoke aros on a regular basis and, to be honest, neither do I. Though I'm sure now that they can deliver the same quality smoking experience (I'm still a bit new when it comes to pipe smoking). Was glad to read what blends you favoured and am thankful for those that recommended tobaccos to pursue. Most of the blends unfortunately aren't available in England, for some damned reason, but there's plenty here for me to be getting on with. Cheers!

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