Best Bartab ID ever

Brothers of Briar

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Doc Manhattan

Well-known member
May 26, 2008
Reaction score
I guess the briar sticks out a bit at the cigar bar.


(Left the contact info legible because you should def. swing by the Owl Shop if you're ever in the Elm City... drop me a line, I'll buy you one if I can make it down.)
Wow, a bar where you can sit and smoke a pipe? Amazing! I want one!
Happy hour!
For some weird reason I recall you saying that your grandmother drank Dewars?
Give Harlock a cigar--my Dewars drinking is indeed tribute to my grandmother (and the present state of my wallet.)

Being Bar Pipe Guy is indeed a happy hour.
Dewar's ain't so bad in a (wallet) pinch. :cheers: Nice tab name! :D Better than "Weirdo Creeper Who Glares," which I've only gotten twice.
Lol Doc, you are definitely "That guy with the pipe!" :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:

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