Best of the Rest from PipesAndCigars

Brothers of Briar

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Aug 7, 2012
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As a newbie, I'm trying to expand my pipe cellar with various blends, etc. In doing so, I came across PipesAndCigars "Best of the Rest" remnants blend ( I've been looking for some feedback or reviews on it, but haven't found any.

Has anyone here ventured to try this hodge-podge mix? I realize it changes daily, but I'm just wondering if such an eclectic blend (whatever the contents) is worth the time to try.

If I've missed this discussion somewhere else, please point me in the right direction.

Sounds like a pound of tobacco roulette. I'd rather buy a tin of something desirable. If you crave adventure, and this passes for it, give it a go.
I would more recommend samples of a bunch of things than a pound of that. A sample you can repeat if you really like one, that you will never repeat even in the same bag. Rob_in_MO got a bag of it bombed to him in a bombing mission not too long back, he might have some insight.
Egad, not for me, thank you.

I heard tales from hangouts at the Tinder Box there's some guys in Texas that accept wayward tobacco and make some sort of "suicide mix" by blending them all together.

Fond memories of being 10 years old, doing that when 7-11 stores got their new-fangled, multi-flavored Slurpee machines. Four (or more) flavors mixed together.

It was ghastly. :lol:

I would check out for some insight on some blends to try.
Thanks for the feedback. Sounds like it's a high risk, low reward scenario -- though the gambler in me thinks it may be worth a shot. Just not right now. Too many other blends to put my money toward. I'll come back to this down the road.
If you go to the website and look this up you will see this is the leftovers that they accumulate and mix together, its components will change daily, weekly, etc. Because of this there would be no consistency to evaluate. This means the best you could hope for in a review is "lit it, it burned".

Well, as an upside, P&C's "floor sweepings" blend assures that, even were you to try every blend on, you will never have tried them all. It offers the promise of a new adventure with each purchase, a tin of tobacco bearing the sigil of infinity.

They should hire me for their marketing department. I would triple their profits. :lol:
Jack (at Sterling Tobacco) always throws in an ounce or two of what he calls "Bargain Blend" for free, with each order. Like the P&C "leftover" stuff mentioned here, it's a bag of what accumulates on the bench each day.

What's a bit odd, though, is I've gotten a few of these freebies and, while each was different, they were all actually enjoyable. Aromatics, of course, and I rarely like or buy aros -- go figure. :roll:
Storm_Crow":drkmxv26 said:
Well, as an upside, P&C's "floor sweepings" blend assures that, even were you to try every blend on, you will never have tried them all. It offers the promise of a new adventure with each purchase, a tin of tobacco bearing the sigil of infinity.

They should hire me for their marketing department. I would triple their profits. :lol:
So long as you don't use the term "floor sweepings," maybe. :lol:

I've tried it, and "floor sweepings" from a couple of different e-tailers and have been disappointed with them all. I can't recall a one that wasn't primarily some nasty-ash aromatic that no mater what else was mixed in, smoked poorly and bit like a rabid weasel.

Just my experience,


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