Bill proposed in Oregon would make cigarettes prescription-only drugs
Posted: Jan 23, 2013 2:52 PM PST Updated: Jan 23, 2013 07:50 PM
By FOX 12 Webstaff - email
Bill proposed in Oregon would make cigarettes prescription-only drugsMore >
If you're a regular smoker, you may want to keep an eye on a new bill in the Oregon Legislature.
Should cigarettes be prescription-only?
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1512 votes
Rep. Mitch Greenlick, from Portland, is sponsoring a bill that makes cigarettes a Schedule III controlled substance, meaning it would be illegal to possess or distribute cigarettes without a doctor's prescription.
Under the proposal, offenders would face maximum punishments of one year in prison, a $6,250 fine or both.
Other drugs and substances that are considered Schedule III controlled substances are ketamine, lysergic acid and anabolic steroids.
"The State Board of Pharmacy may adopt rules placing requirements and limitations on the sale or transfer of products containing nicotine," the bill's text says.
"I think it's pretty crazy," said Juan Silva of Salem. "I don't see it going through. It's going to be something to watch for, but I don't think it'll pass."
Others see the proposal differently.
"I hope it passes and I hope people actually think about it," said Rick Cannon of Salem. "You know there's less and less smokers everyday because they know how bad it is for them, so I just hope people wake up and realize how bad it actually is for them."
Posted: Jan 23, 2013 2:52 PM PST Updated: Jan 23, 2013 07:50 PM
By FOX 12 Webstaff - email
Bill proposed in Oregon would make cigarettes prescription-only drugsMore >
If you're a regular smoker, you may want to keep an eye on a new bill in the Oregon Legislature.
Should cigarettes be prescription-only?
Thank you for participating in our poll. Here are the results so far:
262 votes
1512 votes
Rep. Mitch Greenlick, from Portland, is sponsoring a bill that makes cigarettes a Schedule III controlled substance, meaning it would be illegal to possess or distribute cigarettes without a doctor's prescription.
Under the proposal, offenders would face maximum punishments of one year in prison, a $6,250 fine or both.
Other drugs and substances that are considered Schedule III controlled substances are ketamine, lysergic acid and anabolic steroids.
"The State Board of Pharmacy may adopt rules placing requirements and limitations on the sale or transfer of products containing nicotine," the bill's text says.
"I think it's pretty crazy," said Juan Silva of Salem. "I don't see it going through. It's going to be something to watch for, but I don't think it'll pass."
Others see the proposal differently.
"I hope it passes and I hope people actually think about it," said Rick Cannon of Salem. "You know there's less and less smokers everyday because they know how bad it is for them, so I just hope people wake up and realize how bad it actually is for them."