Got mine today. I didn't know Santa lived in Illinois?!? Is the North Pole near Cook County? I came stumbling out of a blues-bar on S. Halstead late one night and I thought the street was filled with Ompa-Lompas, but they must have been Santa's magical elves? I thought elves would smell better than these did?
What a great package, four, half-pounds of tobaccos I've never tried before. Two from Jon's Tobacco (must be a local B&M in that region?), both look like great Latakia blends. And two, 8 oz. tins of L. J. Peretti's I've wanted to try, # 500 & #D-9575. Looks like months of good puffin for this good little boy. Oh, and some pipe matches and cleaners to boot.
Very, very generous to a moderator, er, I mean, Secret Santa that I have know idea who it was. I'll tip a few in your honor under the next full moon.