50 years ago, when enough of the world I'm familiar with had its head on straight enough to function without "professional intervention," what follows was still true, but not to the extent it is today :
New pipes and new violins make their way, initially, on the impression their looks creates. After the sale though, there's a lot of time and effort that goes into separating the gold from the stones in the pan of use.
Taking up with a woman today, from what I've seen around me, is damned near akin to raising a child. Whether that's worth the effort is a moot point.
Same with pipes.
Same with violins.
The fact remains though that their best years are ahead for some of all three.
None of them are "All that. And a bag of chips. And an 8-ball" right out of the box. Disabusing them of the notion "society' has implanted in them that they are is step one.