Branching Out

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Dec 17, 2007
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I started with just the pipe 9 years ago. But now I:

smoke 1 pipe
smoke 2 cigars
smoke 2 cigarettes
dip snuff twice

I guess the only avenue I haven't explored is chew. But there's something about my cousin having had to get dentures, more than probably because his gums were trashed and teeth loose, that keeps me from going down this avenue. But then again, he was probably chewing 24/7.

How about you; have you branched out?

I occasionally think about trying cigars, but 1) they are pricey and 2) I haven't the foggiest idea where to start.

No interest whatsoever in anything else you mentioned.
I´ve tried them all, but I stick with the pipe now.

Chew is just a mess. Also the absolute worst for oral health. It was my first tobacco experience when I was on the baseball team in HS.

Cigars I like, but couldn´t adopt the "haughty attitude" that seems requisite to smoke them (LOL). Also they are a huge turnoff to the nonsmoking crowd. Got nothing against those that do, however.

Cigs I smoked while in college, but being a trumpeter I just couldn´t reconcile the inhaling deeply part.

Snuff I tried once or twice, just didn´t enjoy it at all.

I have tried all of the above...and then some ;)

Cigars I still enjoy on occasion.
Cigs I could never imagine wanting to suck on ever again.

Of all I have found the pipe to be by far the most enjoyable, relaxing, soothing bit of self indulgence.
My father and uncle were out chewing tobacco one day and I asked them if I could try it (at the tender age of 8). My uncle smirked and said, "Sure. We just peed in this bag, try it." Bewildered, I said, "You did what?" He went on to explain that the best way to enjoy tobacco chew is to pee on it first to give it good moisture content. His little joke to make me not try chew at that age kept me from it 'til this very day.

Cigarettes just plain smell horrid to me. No interest. Never even tried one.

I have the occasional cigar, maybe 3-4 a year, and most of those given to me, being a poor man.

I tried snuff in high school a few times one summer. All I ever did was sneeze. Not for me.

The pipe is my lone tobacco choice. It's the one for me.

I guess I was done branching out when i started smoking a pipe. Its the most enjoyable to me. Although i still smoke cigars ounce in a wile and i enjoy them too....i smoke a pipe more often. Ive smoked cigarretes , dipped snuff (wich was extremly hard for me to quit) and settled on cigars for a wile...then moved on to pipes.
Have tried just about all of them at one point or another. The only ones I stuck with for any length of time was pipes, cigs and cigars.

Snuff I enjoyed to a degree, just never got around to ordering more once I went through a couple tins.

I still don't really know why I tried chew, I never really wanted to. In my defense I was in somewhat of an "altered state of consciousness" at the time. Even that didn't make it enjoyable at all.

Cigars I used to smoke regularly while hanging out at 24 hour diners, mostly just drug store brands. Garcia something or other I think. I lost interest eventually, but will still enjoy one on occasion. Had a Perdomo Lot 23 most recently and enjoyed it.

Cigs I smoked everday since I was fifteen up until just a few months ago. All brands, all flavors, RYO, etc etc. Some of the RYO stuff can actually be really tasty...almost touching the edges of some pipe tobacco-like flavors.

I actually have been using a personal vaporizer / electronic cigarette now too...not "smoking" technically since there is no tobacco I guess. Vaping. Not the mall kiosk crap either. Chocolate covered cherry nicotine juice at the moment. Earlier today was Irish Coffee. Extremely enjoyable. Not quite as good as the pipe, but more enjoyable than any of the above mentioned nicotine delivery systems and most likely less self destructive.
Pipe smoking has always been my favorite use of tobacco, though I've tried all the ones you mentioned except for nasal snuff. Too many nasal allergies to even want to try. You didn't mention grape vines, kinninick or rabbit tobacco.

I enjoy cigars and would smoke them more often if they weren't so damned expensive. It's a different experience that is a real treat every once in awhile, but it still doesn't compare to the joys of pipe smoking!
I'm primarily a snus users. Nasal snuff in small quantities, 4-6 cigars per year, used to smoke cigs, dip and chew. I still buy a couple cans of dip a year. Haven't had chew since I left the farm, started while on a hay wagon and that's about the only place I like it.

I smoke a pipe full or two a day. Basically I'm a nicotine addict, who now enjoys his delivery systems. I never really enjoyed cigs, they did the job quite well, but little flavor and no style.
The pipe was the end of the road for me. I've used tobacco in every form,or at least every form I know about.

I'm still on and off the cig train.
Enjoy a few cigars a month.
Purchase the occasional Copenhagen Long Cut or Camel Bold/Regular (whatever they call the natural tasting stuff) Snus.
I think I have a twist of Cumberland chew left in my bag.
I quit smoking pipe awhile back, just kidding, I smoke a bowl or two a day.
I'm just a junkie.
I gave up cigs when I picked up the pipe. I smoke the occasional cigar - like once a month. I do snuff a few times each week. so, while not too daring, I guess I've branched out a little.
Ol'Dawg":azb8jzie said:
Pipe smoking has always been my favorite use of tobacco, though I've tried all the ones you mentioned except for nasal snuff. Too many nasal allergies to even want to try. You didn't mention grape vines, kinninick or rabbit tobacco.

I know you're pulling my leg, aren't you?

I've went on to try chew and can't say I like the experience. The constant need to spit, often coupled with saliva strings between you and the spit pot, which you have to separate with a finger or else have an errant drool; really kind of disgusting. I'm going to finish the pouch I bought and I would bet that that's the last I see of it for some time.
I've only smoked cigs, and spent years trying to quit before I realized I had to stop drinking for awhile in order to really be successful in quitting (a beer and a smoke were too closely associated for me). Now, cigarettes just smell like poison to me. I'm sticking with the pipe.
I do like cigars and keep a modest humidor, its nice to have fine cigars on hand.
Nothing comes close to the pipe though.
alfredo_buscatti":w9x0b71u said:
I know you're pulling my leg, aren't you?
Not really, though they're not tobacco products they are smoking substitutes and were part of my growing up process as they were for many of my early buddies.

I used to smoke herbal cigarettes, sometime in class in college. I guess the professor knew the smell of weed, and so long as it wasn't that, didn't care.
When I first started smoking (cigs), I had to use my lunch money to buy 'em and had to ocassionally deal with running out of smokes with no money to buy more. We had these hollow reed things about 1/4" to 1/2" in diameter that used to grow in the woods in the backyard, then dry up and die in a few weeks.

I used to break off a section approximately 1 cigarette length long and stuff it with dried grass, leaves, tea, or whatever seemed smokable and light up. Man, if you think pipe tobacco can be harsh to inhale, you really have no :cheers:

I know exactly the reeds you're talking about, they're native all over the Downingtown/Kennett/Unionville area where I'm from.


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