Brand New Pix of My Smoking Lounge

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2007
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I post these here for two reasons, one to show folks where I do most of my smoking and two, to show the old timers here that contrary to popular belief, I didn't sell off all of my smoking gear years ago. :lol: For those of you that are new to the board, I have a background in design and seriously (see: addict) collect all forms of smoking stuff especially advertising, tobacco jars, books and prints.

I'm not posting them to be a show off! I fear I was guilty of this when I was younger and have, in my later years, vowed to keep a watchful eye on on my own boastfulness :D I appreciate collections on all levels and have loved seeing so many of your pics in this section. This part of the hobby has always been a BIG passion of mine as it will be til' they plant me under the corn stalks :lol:

Looks great, that is a whole bunch of dusting. What day of he week are you dedicating to dusting only? :lol!:
Wow Dock! Your's is one of the finest collections of vintage collectable tobacciana I have seen in one place! I can only imagine what your collection will actually be worth when you hit retirement age! I especially like the Kaywoodie rotating display, and the highly collectable tobacco jars you have! Very cool indeed! :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:
Dutch":smzlnsqm said:
Wow Dock! Your's is one of the finest collections of vintage collectable tobacciana I have seen in one place! I can only imagine what your collection will actually be worth when you hit retirement age! I especially like the Kaywoodie rotating display, and the highly collectable tobacco jars you have! Very cool indeed! :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:
Thanks Dutch! There's three 17th century Dutch tobacconist jars there that should really be in a museum. The one that says "Varinas" is the finest jar I've ever seen in person or in books...
Looks great Dock! Seems like you did hang on to a lot of stuff after your "clearout" a while back. I'd love to read through your tobacco related library someday.
Truly spectacular!

What a great place to spend time. I'm with E; I'd love to read through those books. And the jars have to be the coolest stuff in there... Besides all the Pabst goodies!

Well done, brother!
A magnificent collection Sir, truly amazing the multitude of different tobacco related items in your lounge.
Thanks guys! I really appreciate the kind words. I have so few visitors here and fewer still who appreciate the items...

In the first pic, to the left, over the floor lamp, there's a B/w framed pic of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. What you can't see is the autograph under it. This is the highlight of the lot to me...
One fine collection.. Now I need a pipe to review the pics..
Wow! :shock: Okay so that's your smoking lounge, but where do you have room to actually smoke? :p
I love the antiques. You do not look the type to go home from the gym and sit with all those throw pillows. There must be a woman you allowed into the man cave. :D
J Soshae":8r627dab said:
I love the antiques. You do not look the type to go home from the gym and sit with all those throw pillows. There must be a woman you allowed into the man cave. :D
Nope. I'm straight and very single :lol: What's wrong with a 6'3, 220 pound, muscular man loving throw pillows and vintage steiff bears? :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:
On the two shelves behind the plaid chair, are the two white tobacco jars some special Dunhill jars? I have one a friend brought back from Jermyn St. for me years ago but it just says Dunhill on it and those look like they have more imprinting on them. Inquiring minds want to know :p
Holy cats! That's less of a smoking room and more of a private smoking museum, dude--very nicely done!

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