Unless it's an older style of Missouri Meerschaum MacArthur pipe (and it doesn't look like a MM) it might be more difficult to build a cake in. Is there the traditional MM yellow sticker on the bottom or their logo branded into the hardwood plug on the bottom? MM pipes are soaked in a plaster of pares solution so that they are almost a hybrid cob/clay pipe. The cobs absorb the clay well and give them a very different character (and ability to resist burning) than an un-treated cob pipe.
If it's another brand, it might be bare cob and that, I would think (never had one, so this is just conjecture) would be hard to get a cake in and I would think it would burn easily?
Just my thoughts,
If it's another brand, it might be bare cob and that, I would think (never had one, so this is just conjecture) would be hard to get a cake in and I would think it would burn easily?
Just my thoughts,