Broken Pipe Brewdude Rande Reed

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Dec 28, 2007
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I don’t have any details but I heard from a fellow Arizona Pipe Club Member that Rande Passed away. I had the pleasure of meeting him a couple of time at AZPC meetings over the years. RIP
I’d like this to be verified further than hearsay. Both Carlos and I have spoken to Rande quite recently and knew he was in hospital treatment but it didn’t sound as though he was eminently terminal. This, just a few weeks ago.

daveinlax…is there any way you could connect with the club member for details? It would be greatly appreciated by us all.
I just got a call and email saying he passed after a 2nd courageous battle with cancer. I’ll let you know if I know more.
The email that I got is public on The Briar Patch
On a sad note, I am sad to announce the passing of pipe club member Rande Reed, I was notified of the passing yesterday:

“Hi Charles,

My name is Wayne Bliss. I am a long time friend of Rande Reed. I am writing you to let you know that after a courageous 2nd battle with cancer, Rande has passed away. In addition to being an outstanding musician and master brewer, he was also also quite a pipe fan.”

I am still trying to find out when he passed, I searched the obituaries and have come up empty, I am waiting to hear back from Wayne Bliss, I will send a follow up email if there is a funeral for him.

Rande attended our pipe club meeting at the invitation of Dave Peterson in December of 2019, He had just moved to Sun City from Washington. He did not attend very many meetings after that, and I suspect with his underlying health issues and Covid, it made sense not to do so. It would have been great to learn more about brewing and music which he excelled in, and his knowledge of all things related to the pipe, which I am told was immense.

He was interviewed by Brian Levine in the past (2016), I had heard it at the time, but I never connected the dots when he attended! You can scroll to about the 10 minute mark to hear the interview, quite an interesting fellow:

A short write up about the show:

And his music, which I found quite enjoyable:

In light of his passing, it is appropriate to dedicate our next meeting this Saturday to his memory.

Warmest Regards, Arizona Pipe Club

I replied to the Thread with,

Sad News. RIP
I remember that meeting, we had a very nice visit about pipes, beer and living in AZ and Sun City. He brought a tin of vintage Christmas Cheer to pop open but there was already a glut of tins being passed around so I thanked him for his generosity but advised him to keep it sealed for another meeting. I remember our visit very well and regret admitting that Bud in a 16oz silo can is my beer. RIP

PS, I've been sadly reflecting on on all my pipe buddy's I've lost over the last couple of years. I miss them all very much.
That is indeed sad news, Rande was a very good man from my interactions with him. A tear shed for a fellow muso, pipe enthusiast and beer lover. He will be missed by many people.

RIP mate.
This is devastating news.

I phoned Rande a couple of weeks ago. His attitude was great, same as his last go-round. I'm headed to Arizona for a vacation soon, booked a hotel room a few minutes from his home, and we were planning to go out to dinner, or if he was still in the hospital, get the take-out dinner of his choice. I was planning to bring a guitar so we could jam if he felt up to it.

RR was one of the good ones. I'll miss him.

for Rande… One of the most successful guys I know.

To laugh often and love much;
to win the respect of intelligent persons
and the affection of children;
to earn the approbation of honest critics
and to endure the betrayal of false friends;
to appreciate beauty;
to find the best in others;
to give of oneself;
to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child,
a garden patch or redeemed social condition;
to have played and laughed with enthusiasm and sung with exultation;
to know that even one life has breathed easier because you have lived—
this is to have succeeded.

By Ralph Waldo Emerson
Just tuned in to see this truly sad news!! Dang, hard to believe!! He's been such a "fixture" here for so long. Rest In Peace. RR. I'll miss your presence!! FTRPLT

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