Can you smoke your pipe on the job?

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taja-big dog

Nov 1, 2010
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I'm lucky to work in a place where I can smoke my pipe. It's a warehouse with plenty of ventilation.
Not a gun powder warehouse I take it? :lol!:

No, I can't smoke at work, in fact I doubt anyone can in Kansas with all the new laws and all. Can't even carry my handgun into Dairy Queen anymore. :evil:
Where I work you have to be 50ft away from a building, so it's best to light up in the parking lot, sitting in the car, tunes on the radio. A vehicle still proves to be one of the few refuges for a smoker these days...

Only if I'm outside. Can't smoke in the building or in my patrol car. On night shift it's kinda nice. We have this big front porch on the Municpal Building and I go out there and smoke. Tonight it's raining so it's especially nice.
Not in the classroom--nor would I, around the taxpayers' computers.

But for the real slog of my job (in the home office), grading papers, reading, planning, not only is smoking allowed, it's a damn good idea.
Working in a school is a pipe smoker's nightmare. Even on the nights I have the time for a nice smoke, I would have to walk across the parking lot, cross the street, and sit on the guard rail for 45 minutes. And in the winter, that rail gets cold! So sadly, I just wait until after work.

The Janitor
I wish! Iowa's smoking laws don't allow you to smoke in any public building, and I believe you have to be 500 feet or so away from the building (not to say people don't break that one) if you're an employee.. car is safe though. Sadly though my 30 minute break isn't enough unless I smoke a cob.

Valky, I believe in IA you can still wear a handgun, provided you have the license.. or maybe it has to be concealed... not sure, you have to be 21 to buy a handgun here, so I'm too young. Funny you said Dairy Queen, that's where I work at the moment lol (going to college in Jan. though).

I'm on the road making sales if there's a long enough drive between accounts I light up.
Being self employed (due to economical crap!) I am able to enjoy my pipe in most places that I may be working. I am also a student so I smoke outside on campus. Some of the looks I get when smoking a pipe on a college campus.
Depends what job you are referring to here.
Here in RSA "on the job" in street slang also means you are in a horizontal position with a fine lady!!!
So my answer is yes and no......... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I work at home (at least I'm supposed to when I'm
not pissin' away the time on the forums.)
I can smoke whenever it's not too
hot out to deploy my window fan.
Oh, dear God, the transit police are now harrassing anyone who lights up at bus stations!

Depends on the manager we've got on duty. Night crew used to smoke in recieving and anywhere in the back area, but no longer (I'm a night stocker). Working front end, it especially mattered what manager was on, the smoking rules would vary by the minute. On the nights I work without the grocery manager (as my own boss), I take the stairs up into an abandoned backroom area, off camera, and smoke a tall one with some coffee. When I was in fast food, we smoked weed on the job, and we sure needed it!

No guns in DQ? If any restaurant or bar won't let me smoke, no way am I spending money there. Like I care--I live alone and don't want to go paint the town red, anyways.
Sitting here working on a new website and puffin' away .... nice to be your own boss
taja-big dog":pu93vo8g said:
I'm lucky to work in a place where I can smoke my pipe. It's a warehouse with plenty of ventilation.
I see that you are in Michigan as well. If you smoke at work, then you are in violation of our shiny new workplace smoking ban regardless of whether or not your boss allows it. You may be getting away with it for now, but don't piss off any of your co workers because all it will take is for just one of them to call the health department anonymously. A visit from them and a threat of a fine will make your boss think twice about letting it go on, regardless of good ventilation. Now that the election is over, maybe we can get Granholm deported back to Canada in January.
I have no problems smoking at work. I work with ships (both at sea and harbor) and we smoke happily inside although it has been forbidden now for few years.
Of course nobody smokes inside offices, near flammable materials or if some non-smoker complains but even the employer knows it is better to let some things just as is.
Work from home and car. Pretty much smoke when and where I want. I don't smoke at my desk because after working from home for many years, I have learned to treat certain things as a distinct break from work and get me away from the desk for a few minutes.

Hey Falconer, is that a local law? Kansas is still an open carry state, although you better know where you are if you don't want to get pinched due to a local ordinance.

Raid, I wish my employer and pretty much any other understood that concept. New managers are the worst, they want to come in and change things as if they ought to, fix what ain't broken and just be all-purpose tools just to get their power trip jollies and make a name for themselves. Sure hope my co-manager succeeds in the latter and gets transferred out to run his own store. What an esteemed miserable punk he'd be if only he could realize that dream.
Falconer":wq7prot6 said:
Not a gun powder warehouse I take it? :lol!:

No, I can't smoke at work, in fact I doubt anyone can in Kansas with all the new laws and all. Can't even carry my handgun into Dairy Queen anymore. :evil:
now i figured kansas would still be the wild west. damn, that's discouraging. we're still rebels here in indiana as far as fire arms go. but they've surely tightened down on the puffing. i have to do it to and from work.

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