Case in point.....

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Oct 15, 2016
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I own 8 Aldo Velani pipes which are made in Italy by Cesare Barontini and family, besides other employed craftsman.  
My point is, you don't have to spend a small fortune for an excellent smoking pipe, even when it comes to purchasing an Aldo!
The top pipe pictured below is from The Aldo Ultima Series and my most expensive Aldo, which I paid $150.00 a few years ago. The lower pipe is my Aldo Blonde Brandy bowl which I paid $35.00, both were purchased new on eBay.
Tha Aldo Ultima is rarely smoked because of two major issues, which one day soon I will rectify.

Issue one: the draw is very restricted due to poor drilling of the draft hole. Needs to be 5/32" rather then the existing 1/8" draft. Plus there is too much of a gap from the bottom of the pipe chamber to the draft hole. I will build up the bottom of the bowl a bit with a good mix of pipe mud. Once the mud cures and builds up a thin cake the pipe should smoke much better.

Issue Two: when I smoke this pipe, whatever stain was used to finish the briar ends up on my hand, every time! So, it's not been smoked for a while. I intend on using three different grit micromesh pads to remove the stain and leave the briar as natural as possible. Then finish the briar with Carnauba wax on the buffing wheel.

Seven of my eight Aldo's are excellent smoking pipes, especially for the price. Two of my Aldo's are over 30 years old and still excellent smokers, as of right now are in my weekly rotation.

Both pipes have a wide stem, which I prefer.
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WOW I take it nobody within this board owns an Aldo??? How is this possible :scratch: :scratch: :scratch:

Not me. No Aldo here. Sorry, but my briar stable is pretty barren...... I'm sure someone else must have one though....
I do have one!!! Picked it up at a garage sale years ago. Nice wood/briar, flame grain; even has a little adornment around the shank. Rhodesian shape, very good smoker; well drilled. Pipe cleaner goes straight thru with no problem. Marked... Velani over Classica on one side. Extra over Made in Italy on the other with a "203" shape number. Basically a "yard" pipe!! Maybe I should treat it with more respect!!! :cheers: FTRPLT
Who's Aldo? Just kidding Ted but I've never I owned one. But I agree one doesn't have to pay an arm and a leg to get a superb smoking pipe. I have several that I paid less than $20.for and they smoke great. I've also paid a bunch of money for some pipes that are pure crap. That one of the reasons I like picking up old GBDs, Kaywoodies, Comoy's, BBBs, and KBB Yello-Boles. Usually can pick these up for less than $50.  and so far I've never gotten one of these that didn't perform extremely well. :)

AJ":i0jh8ru0 said:
Who's Aldo? Just kidding Ted but I've never I owned one. But I agree one doesn't have to pay an arm and a leg to get a superb smoking pipe. I have several that I paid less than $20.for and they smoke great. I've also paid a bunch of money for some pipes that are pure crap. That one of the reasons I like picking up old GBDs, Kaywoodies, Comoy's, BBBs, and KBB Yello-Boles. Usually can pick these up for less than $50.  and so far I've never gotten one of these that didn't perform extremely well.  
That's my " POINT ", I have a number of pipes costing a few hundred each and they end up sitting in one of my " rarely smoked pipe racks "!
I'd much rather spend my ? money ? on tobacco I enjoy and when I spot an Estate pipe that needs restoration I keep my eyes on it. My days of spending allot on a pipe is over, the reality you want a pretty pipe from a well known maker that costs a bundle or an old briar that you know can/should be a good or even excellent smoker.

" CASE IN POINT " a good friend who I help out often is LOADED and last holiday season purchased an Eltang Devil Anse for $600.00 as a gift for me, and to be honest..." does not smoke half as good as my recently restored Yello-Bole Imperial, which I paid $4.50 delivered. I had posted a picture after I completed with a new hand cut Ebonite stem. What ever Flake or Ribbon cut blend I stuff it with,  it smokes them superbly!  

I must add
I recently purchased real cheap ( $65.00 ) an Ascorti Oom Paul pipe with a full bent stem that I'm in the middle of restoring. Once I'm back home and the pipe is finished I will post a picture.

WOW, 115 views and just 3 responses!!!

I guess I'm the ONLY Aldo lover within this board.

I have a Velani Clásica Lovat that's a pretty good smoker. The drilling must be a little off because it's a whistlèr- yes, it whistles if you draw on it hard. I got it sometime in the early 90s. It las a lovely wooden inlay on the stem which I've never seen by any other maker. Like FTRPLT, mine is mostly a yard pipe.
I never come across used pipes locally, and once something hits the internet the seller will put the highest possible price on it to maximize their profits, that's the way society works now. :suspect:

The chances of finding something other than a basket or drug store pipe is the same as finding a 50 year old Amsterdam Virgin.
hobie1dog":yjvwtlio said:
That $20.00 shipping is a killer
I totally agree!! If you look on eBay every so often you will find a few sellers, you can pick up an Aldo delivered to your door for under $30.00. I own 9 Aldo's now, 8 are excellent smokers with the draft spot on. The ONE I really don't smoke that often ( need to open the draft hole ) was my most expensive Aldo ( The Ultima Series ) costing roughly $150.00. I think you get my point.

SpeedyPete ":rj4ruej0 said:
Am I stupid? Do you get ALL SIX pipes for $33.00 ?
Nope your not stupid at all, just a simple question you asked. I wrote " you have a choice of 6 different Aldo's. Better explained....choose any one of the 6 for $33.00.
But, I have in the past purchased a few Aldo pipes new on eBay for under $30.00 delivered. DO NOT PURCHASE THE HIGH PRICED ALDO's FOR A GOOD SMOKING PIPE, it's not necessary.
I own 9 and 8 of them are excellent smokers, the one that cost me $150.00 needs a bigger draft hole, which I will rectify one day soon.


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