Thanks for those links and the idea, riff raff and Sasquatch. If anyone knows of other Italian or European sellers, please post their links as well. Loving that Dune carving idea.
This is going to be the obvious to many --maybe to all-- but, Castello walks that incredibly fine and precarious position between quality and novelty, artistry and folly. It's one thing to be skilled craftsmen, but to also be idea people who so consistently do not fall on the side of folly is quite impressive. Few attempt it because of how unlikely succeeding at it is. I've always respected Charatan for this very reason (the audacity to attempt it), though they were far less successful at it than Castello. I feel most Charatans in the more artistic realm are hideous, and mind you, I hold Charatan in the highest regard, amongst the very top greatest makers. I don't feel Castello rests on name alone. For instance, that Le Dune carving is rather bold, but in my eyes, they reek of highest quality just as much as the 55 appears. No boundaries, yet tight in the pocket.
Are they overpriced? That's for another discussion.
Speaking of the 55, they sell out of every 55 they make. If they were business driven, why wouldn't they crank out 55s all day long? Waltzing with supply/demand for certain, but my goodness. In the pipe world, that's as close to having a cash cow as you probably get. Quite the luxury for a maker.