Catherine Austin Fitts

Brothers of Briar

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Her story of her career on Wall Street and in in Washington (she was Asst. Secretary of HUD) makes any adventure fiction you've ever read seem boring and stupid in comparison.

Think that's extreme ? Read it and do your own comparison.

Her Narcodollars for beginners was awesome too.

Makes you wonder. The "war on drugs" is really an illusion- how can you go to war with yourself? It's one and the same.
When the same people behind the scenes control both the drug trade and the government's response to it, it's easy. "Law enforcement" then becomes the handy, legal way to get rid of rogue competition.

Ever notice how it's always the Black guy named "Slim" (and his network) whose operation gets busted for buying pounds of stuff in New York and distributing it locally ? The flip side of which is it's NEVER the warehouse in New York that gets raided. Or the ship or the airplane that mules it in -- let alone the people behind the operation.
U.S. efforts to contain the spread of Communism in Asia involves forging alliances with tribes and warlords inhabiting the areas of the Golden Triangle, (an expanse covering Laos, Thailand and Burma), thus providing accessibility and protection along the southeast border of China. In order to maintain their relationship with the warlords while continuing to fund the struggle against communism, the U.S. and France supply the drug warlords and their armies with ammunition, arms and air transport for the production and sale of opium. The result: an explosion in the availability and illegal flow of heroin into the United States and into the hands of drug dealers and addicts.

U.S. involvement in Vietnam is blamed for the surge in illegal heroin being smuggled into the States. To aid U.S. allies, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) sets up a charter airline, Air America, to transport raw opium from Burma and Laos. As well, some of the opium would be transported to Marseille by Corsican gangsters to be refined into heroin and shipped to the U.S via the French connection. The number of heroin addicts in the U.S. reaches an estimated 750,000.

July 1, 1973
President Nixon creates the DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) under the Justice Dept. to consolidate virtually all federal powers of drug enforcement in a single agency.

Beginning to make some sense ?

Follow the money trail.

And read (for free, online) Dope, Inc. Pretty inflammatory stuff.

Paul Davis":ljz9dy4z said:
Ironically when first lady Nancy Reagan was saying "Just say no to drugs." the CIA and Barry Seal were bringing them in from Medellin, Colombia. The agency used the cocaine money once sold in the USA to buy and bring arms to the contras to Nicaragua. Oliver North was heavily involved in the fiasco.

Anyone in Mena, Arkansas who tried to expose this circle of corruption, including the head prosecutor, was threatened or killed. When two young men saw a drug drop by the train tracks in Arkansas, they were immediately knocked off. The cover-up ran throughout local and state government. President Clinton was the Governor of Arkansas at that time. He played along keeping quiet and afterward got lots of drug money donated to his presidential campaigns.

President Bush I was no less guilty as former director of the CIA. His watchful eye and reading of the CIA briefings, which he as a former President still reads daily, makes him equally liable during his tenure as Vice President. At least they got that word vice right?

The people who caused the cocaine epidemic that swept the nation during the 1980s wasn't African Americans in the ghetto. Many of them in those days could barely cash a paycheck, much less smuggle drugs via planes into the country. When the USA has satellite technology capable of reading the writing on a golf ball, there should be no difficulty tracking down the likes of drug smugglers and Bin Laden. That is unless you are covertly working with them.

A three-year investigation into the life and times of Barry Seal, one of the most famous CIA agents and successful drug smugglers in America's history, revealed the extent of governmental corruption throughout America.

When Mena, Arkansas was brought up during the Oliver North trial, suddenly everything went into closed quarters away from the public eye. Why? What does the government know that it doesn't want the American people to know?

Note the deaths, firings, threats, and attacks upon people in the know. Dan Lasater, a convicted drug dealer, was a big Clinton supporter. Jerry Parks, the head of than governor Clinton's security detail, was killed in a hail of gunfire after telling associates he was a dead man one month after Vince Foster died. Arkansas criminal investigator Russell Welch got poisonous military grade anthrax sprayed in his face for his probe into the coverup.

Arkansas state coroner Bobby Malick (an Egyptian) played right along claiming he never made a mistake in 7000 autopsies. When the two young men who were killed on the train tracks for seeing a drug drop, Malick claimed it was a suicide. When the parents didn't believe it, he decided to tell them the boys had high amounts of marijuana in their systems. However the 2nd autopsy revealed that stabbings had occurred along with a bruise to the face from what looked like the butt of a rifle. The boys lungs had 3 times the normal amount of blood in them, which indicated they were not killed by the impact of a train.

Sheriff Jim Stead, another participant in the coverup, called it a thorough investigation. The boy's mother disagreed considering her son's foot was left laying on the train tracks for 2 days. The green tarp seen by many after the impact of the train also brought into question a government cover-up.

Prosecutor Jean Duffey was one of the few would didn't play along. She was threatened and eventually run out of town. She thought her life was in danger and moved to Houston, TX where she now teaches high school geometry. Duffey was appointed to head a federally funded drug task force in Arkansas. The day she was appointed Gary Arnold walked in and told her she was not to use the task force to investigate any public officials.

Duffey was put in charge of half-a-dozen under cover agents. They couldn't get much above street level buying, but when they started connecting public officials to protecting the drug dealers Dan Harmon's name came up immediately and most frequently. The train deaths became the most famous unsolved mystery in Arkansas history. It received national attention and 1,000 newspapers wrote about it. Possible witnesses however were turning up dead.

Drug drops from low flying airplanes, which local residents reported hearing many nights, were never investigated by any law enforcement agency in the district. The drugs were being dropped in the same vicinity where Kevin & Don had been murdered along the train tracks.

Prosecutor Jean Duffey was the object of a smear campaign. Basically she was getting too close to the 7th judicial district. Hence she was fired in order to cover their *****. In 1991, drug task force secret agent Scott Loellen quit, saying "There is just too much dirt behind the scenes." He served Saline, Grant, and Hot Springs counties. He later bad mouthed the drug task force saying, "That district is immersed in a reign of corruption that has important and powerful connections to political, judicial, and law enforcement officials."

As an under cover officer, Scott gathered evidence of illegal activity, but for some reason the drug task force chose to ignore him. He quit because of the firing of Jean Duffey, the drug task force administrator.

In June 1990, Dan Harmon became the district's prosecutor elect. Harmon's first news conference and interview was entirely used to discredit Jean Duffey, who was forced to flee to Houston, TX as her life was in danger.

Prosecutor Dan Harmon was on the tracks the night the boys were murdered. State police also were not doing their job. The mothers of the deceased boys were promised convictions in the 1990 federal investigation, when suddenly Chuck Banks shut down the investigation in June of 1991.

Other bits and pieces of evidence linking it all together was the fact that in the 1980s a former top CIA official kept a 2nd home in Medellin, Colombia.

Some other juicy tidbits of information. Oliver North's 1st national program office was at Laguna Airfield, where 1400 lbs of cocaine was found on the runway.

Southern Air Transport, owned and operated by the CIA, provided the agency a subcontractor for plausible deniability while they dealt in drugs and arms trade. The privatization of American intelligence is the way the agency works.

The British version of 60 minutes, The Big Story, showed the trail of drug smuggling and gun running that led to the door of the White House. It exposed the blundering government coverups spanning seven investigations and some long frustrating years. The show revealing the cocaine connection was immediately banned in the USA within hours of its release.

During the days of the Oliver North trial, some 500 documents were shredded over 3 days. All our enemies knew it, but North wanted to conceal and keep it from Congress. Even surfers in Nicaragua named a surf spot after him do to the agency's base there. As for Mena, Arkansas, it was home to Operation Black Eagle, the most massive covert operation in U.S. history.

This stuff isn't as shocking for someone who lives south of the border. All of this happens here, everyone knows it, and get on with their lives because that's the way it is. While it's disconcerting that narco dollars paid for the new youth center in your pueblo, it doesn't matter. You've still got a new youth center in your city. The only difference is that north of the border people really believe it's only happening in other places. La Negacíon Gringa....
You've had more (longer) direct experience with it in Mexico, and it's less disguised.

Accounts of the opium trade, no matter how well-researched, leave out as much as they include. One such fact, relevant to Mexico, is that with the successful hijacking of the country by a Masonic conspiracy (two factions, co-operating against the church while competing with each other)* ca. 1822, controlling interests in many of Mexico's fabulously rich silver mines (Guanajuato, e.g.) were acquired by the banksters in the City of London (not to be confused with London, the city).

These were under legal obligation to turn a percentage of their output into circulating minor coins (1/2, 1, 2 and 4 Reals) to benefit trade in Mexico. In practice, they struck 8 Reals ("silver dollars") almost exclusively. These, in a globally-coordinated design, were packed into barrels, hauled to the nearest port under guard and loaded on ships headed west to the orient, where they were the currency of the opium trade. Which is why so many of them today have what are called "chop marks" applied by local bankers in the orient as guarantees that they weren't counterfeits.

This is common knowledge among people who collect them, but it seems to be restricted to them. Very curious.

*the Escocés and Yorkino factions

Ya learn something every day!

I had no idea that Mexican silver figured so prominently in world trade at that time. Same thing goes on now, except it's coke and dollars.

Illegitimate converts to legitimate and all we're left with is the surface image.

Tha thing is that it would be virtually impossible to erradicate the drug trade without a global economic collapse. Perhaps economists realize this and choose to "dance with the devil"?
It would, in my opinion, be advisable to begin with an overview of what the devil's operation depends on.

"Before a merchant can go to a foreign land and buy and sell he must do two things. First, he must make arrangements with the priests of that land so that their god will not order his followers to kill him. Second, he must hire a king for a body guard . . ."

Richard Kelly Hoskins":32r5tnd9 said:
In The Beginning

chapter one

The Caravan

In the Holy Land during the Wars of the Crusades, crusaders defended a seaport being besieged by Muslims. The siege had lasted almost a year. The fighting had been violent, many had died.

Suddenly, trumpets sounded. Instantly the fighting stopped. A camel train appeared, one camel plodding along in front of the next - a long line stretching back into the distance. The Arab armies parted; the gates to the city opened, the drawbridges dropped. One after another, camel after camel - an endless chain of camels plodded into the city. Two thousand of them.
It was a smaller camel train, all that was left of 20,000 animals that had arrived at a terminal city inland and had been divided into smaller trains and sent on to their final destinations. On the back of each animal rested a cargo so precious that it could have made a man rich for life - if he could but seize it. But few tried. Those who tried and failed were punished with a painful death.

Once in the city the camel drivers directed their charges through twisting, narrow streets down to the harbor. There their cargoes were off-loaded by sweating stevedores who re-loaded them on waiting Christian ships. Then, flying flags bearing the Christian cross, the ships set sail through the blockading Saracen fleet, which parted to let them pass. As soon as the last ship had departed, the Saracen ships re-established their blockade, the camels departed, the gates closed, the drawbridge raised, and arrows began to fly and large rocks again were catapulted against enemies as the fighting re-commenced.

How was it possible for both Christians and Saracens, enemies to the death, to suddenly stop their warfare and cooperate to protect and help the caravan owner taking his goods from the point of manufacture to the point of sale?

This is the same situation we have in the world today. It is a situation that takes careful planning and numerous private agreements. It can best be understood by telling the story of the wolf and the sheep.

First Problem - Unfriendly Gods

In order for a wolf to eat sheep he must first gain entry into the sheepfold. If he can't get into the sheepfold, he can't eat sheep.
His first major problem is to pass by the watchman to get into the sheepfold. If the watchman objects, this can be difficult, as shown in the following example of Josephus.

Josephus was the general in charge of putting Galilee in a state of defense against Roman invasion. The province desperately needed cooking oil. The Greek merchants nearby had abundant cooking oil for sale, but Josephus would not buy from strangers. Instead, he wrote the following letter to the authorities in Jerusalem:

"Now I (Josephus) was entrusted with the public affairs there (in Galilee) by the people of Jerusalem ... since they had not oil ... (Jerusalem should) provide a sufficient quantity of such oil for them lest they should be forced to make use of oil that came from the Greeks, and thereby transgress their own laws." Life of Flavius Josephus, v13.

Josephus explained the reason for his stand so that it would be understood by the readers of his history:

"Nor do we delight in merchandise, nor in such a mixture with other men as arises from it ... having a fruitful country for our habitation, we take pains in cultivating that only. Our principal care ... is ... to educate our children well; ... to observe the laws that have been given us ... Since ... there was no occasion offered us ... for intermixing among the Greeks, as they had had for mixing among the Egyptians, by their intercourse of exporting and importing their several goods; as they also mixed with the Phoenicians, who lived by the seaside, by means of their love of lucre in trade and merchandise." Flavius Josephus Against Apion 1:12

Josephus spoke of transgressing the Law. He was speaking of the Law of his God dealing with strangers. This Law nullified the statutes of Rome whose reason for existence was the trade profits to be gained with different nations and peoples. The Law of Israel caused foreign goods to lie unbought. This impacted business, cost taxes, and undermined the reason for the existence of the Roman Empire. These are some of the Laws:

"If thou has stricken thy hand with a stranger (Heb: zûwr - racial alien), thou art snared with the words of thy mouth." Pr. 6:1-2
"They shall not dwell in thy land; and thou shall drive them out before thee." Ex 23:31.
"They shall not dwell in thy land, lest they make thee sin against me." Ex 23:33.

Laws such as these hindered trade. The God that demanded obedience to them was the prime enemy.

Second Problem - Protection

The second great problem that the wolf must overcome is the problem of rams angered by the violation of the Law. An aroused ram is a fearful animal. He can kill a wolf. If a wolf enters a sheepfold and the alarm is given by the watchman, the rams will surround the wolf and kill it in minutes. If the wolf enters the sheepfold with the permission of the watchman, he may still have to deal with upset rams who sense the wolf's presence. The wolf first needs permission and then he needs protection.

The problem of protection is solved when the wolf finds a ram whose greed transcends his loyalty to his God. The wolf uses his wealth to make that ram a powerful war lord - a king. As king he can then be an efficient bodyguard for the wolf.

A successful wolf must deal with both problems. He must first bribe the watchman, and then he must hire a king to be his bodyguard. Only then can the wolf safely enter the sheepfold and eat sheep.

When both of these problems were solved, the rich camel caravan was able to pass through the Saracen army into the besieged Christian city and load its goods onto Christian ships. This is why the Saracen fleet parted to let the Christian ships sail through unmolested. The merchant had persuaded the Saracen religious leader to let him pass. The mullahs told the Saracen Emir that Allah approved of the trade. The Saracen Emir told his army to let the caravans through - and they did.

Next, the merchant persuaded Christian priests to let the camels pass. The priests persuaded the Christian king that God found no fault in taking a bribe to let the camel train pass. The king instructed his army to allow the camels to pass - and they did.

Who is this mysterious merchant? Who is it that corrupts priests and kings - mullahs and emirs? Who is it that can put together gigantic camel trains of 20,000 camels, trains worth more than nations themselves, who in the middle of wars can command warring armies to be at peace with each other while their goods go to market to be sold for immense profits?

How were the merchants able to manipulate both kings and priests so effortlessly? Does someone know something that they are not telling?

You bet they do!
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I think it's actually classified as a sin in most organized religions. You gotta love justification though!! :p God seems to will whatever is most convenient economically! It's curious that God's will seems to coincide with those who have the gold..... both then and now.

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Greed, of course. But letting it go at that is like explaining an engine as a matter of gasoline. It's true as far as it goes, but there's a whole lot more to it getting left out.

Normal people know in their hearts whether they are working to further the common good or operating as enemies of it. They know in their bones they're an element of the big US.

The supply of outright diabolical people has never been large enough to run an enterprise like that unassisted. Plus, if they'd do so, it would be easily identified with them, and widespread revulsion at them would set in. As it has in the past.

In order for Dope, Inc. (and similar operations) to function, there has to be a ready supply of Useful Idiots -- ambitious people whose heads are easily filled with fantasies about how they're the secret elite among mankind.

Once this becomes a fixed belief -- to the point where it crowds out awareness of their human commonality -- there's little reason to worry about them. Greed and vanity see to that.

IOW, there have to be top-down organisations in place, not immediately identifiable with the satanists, serving as the transmission agencies and innumerable hidden hands required. Studying these is a lot more productive of useful insight "in the round."


Yak":8apyrpda said:
Greed, of course. But letting it go at that is like explaining an engine as a matter of gasoline. It's true as far as it goes, but there's a whole lot more to it getting left out.

Normal people know in their hearts whether they are working to further the common good or operating as enemies of it. They know in their bones they're an element of the big US.

The supply of outright diabolical people has never been large enough to run an enterprise like that unassisted. Plus, if they'd do so, it would be easily identified with them, and widespread revulsion at them would set in. As it has in the past.

In order for Dope, Inc. (and similar operations) to function, there has to be a ready supply of Useful Idiots -- ambitious people whose heads are easily filled with fantasies about how they're the secret elite among mankind.

Actually I wonder if these "normal" people actually do know whether they're working for the common good or not. In order to know that one needs all the information. I am postitive the majority of employees in drug front "legitimate enterprises" are even aware who their true masters are. I mean with the Citibank/Banamex money laundering debacle I doubt even most high level guys had a clue.

That's why the narco dudes are so keen an getting into legitimate business asap. I think Fitts' Narcodollars primer even went into this. In a drug gang, everyone pretty much knows what the deal is and who the honcho is. There's more exposure. If the vast majority of your operation is in the dark, you might as well not exist.

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