I'm a complete data nerd and took the imported .csv from tobaccocellar.com and tweaked the spreadsheet to my liking.
On my first worksheet is all cellared and open and the second worksheet is finished tins. Here are the fields I use:
Container -Tin, Mason Jar, etc
Weight - in ounces
Source - where it came from
Purchase date
Tin date
Open date
Finish date
Status - Opened, cellared, finished, given
Location - what box, tub, etc is this container in
VC - Vendor code - this field is linked to the source field so that when I type a vendor into the source cell, it auto-populates this cell with a specific vendor ID. For example, if I type in Smokingpipes.com into the source cell, the VC cell for that row would populate with 11. I use this 2-digit code on the stickers that go on containers.
Serial Number - 5-digit serial number also used on tin stickers, this field also comes from tobaccocellar.com
I use a price gun with a 2-row sticker for my inventory system. Top row of numbers is the purchase date in the YYYYMMDD format. Bottom row is 5 digit serial number and 2-digit vendor code, like XXXXX/XX. Then mason jars get their own custom label with maker, blend, date jarred, and weight. Sure, maybe it's a little overkill...maybe it's a little OCD...but I like it and it works for me. :face:
I even have it setup to where rows alternate colors when the blend name changes in the list to make it easier to read and cells that calculate up how much (by weight) is cellared, opened, finished, and given and convert it from ounces to lbs & oz. I've toyed with the idea of putting some pretty charts on another worksheet, but maybe later