char light?

Brothers of Briar

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A fantastic question deep. I have heard that term many times and thought it was when you light a previously lite bowl :unsure: as I probably do 50% of the time when I smoke putting it down and relighting it usually while gaming. Other 50% smoking the bowl to the bottom.
I admit googling char light, here is a good explanation for anyone else. Is this correct?

The first lighting, often called the "charring light" or "false light," will char the top of the tobacco and prepare this surface for the second lighting which will, with practice, take you through most of the bowl. While smoking, ash residue will form at the top of the tobacco.

This article if I read it properly is different to the above description :unsure:

I'm a bit confused thats why I reckon it's a great question.
I just light and puff hard, tamp and repeat until I have a good smoldering top bowl and slow it up.
Depends on how dry the tobaco is for me.

Sometimes if it's really dry, it just needs one match and I'm fine for the rest of the bowl. Tamping regularly. Semois Brumeuse is a good example.

Moister tobacco can take a few matches to get going and then a couple of relights or five.
I find I rarely abide by the “char, tamp, light, maybe tamp again” methodology. Often I can light and smoke for 20 minutes depending on the tobacco.

Other times it’s ‘light, light again, try lighting a third time, refill my lighter, tamp with my finger, light again, tamp with my finger and lightly burn it, get frustrated for being dumb and touching something that’s on fire, look for a tamper, tamp the now cool ash and tobacco, light again…’

Luckily most of my usual tobaccos are about the right moisture level to keep it relatively easy. Its worse if I get a long flake or a cube cut or something I’m less accustomed to smoking.
I do it out of habit more than anything. I do think it is one of the more crucial tools we have at our disposal and never results in not being beneficial. I didn't do it this morning, but I do 9/10 times. Necessary? Eh...if you're into making more steadfast rules for yourself. If I was in a smoking competition, I'd give it more thought. I'm not, so I don't.
I can only speak for myself, and believe the only right way to smoke a pipe is if you're enjoying it, but here's my rational.

When I first started smoking I was under the assumption that a char light was mandatory and always struggled getting the bowl going, like lots of new pipe smokers I'm sure. By the time I finally learned how to use a pipe, I found myself just lighting it and tamping only enough to keep the tobacco from overflowing the bowl. Once I get a solid ember going I just keep smoking.

Since then I periodically try a few charring lights out of curiosity and found that it creates a layer of fine ash ontop of the bowl, which can clog up the draw on an otherwise perfectly packed pipe, while also making it more difficult to light the tobacco underneath.

Essentially I've found no value in it, so far. I could also be doing it wrong and haven't mastered it yet lol, so I'll continue trying it once in awhile.
I find it nessessary unless I'm smoking a tobacco that lights effortlessly such as Three Sails shag.
I try to minimize the amount of heat that the tobacco encounters because in my experience, drawing too much heat deep into the bowl mutes the flavor of the tobacco for the rest of the smoke. This effort involves doing a light char on the top of the bowl and then a true light second. I don't touch the flame to the surface of the tobacco, I hover the flame a few millimeters above it and draw heat- but not the flame to light.
I think this method is the way that allows for the most flavor when combined with short sips to taste interspersed with occasional larger draws to maintain the light.
I think I might just be a snob about it!
I tried this method with some moisty aros WOW. I usually have to do 2 or 3 relights on them usually. Tried this method on these backys and one light, and a soft tamp and it was away. Mind you my zippo got hotter than a red headed roofer in january but I like it! (y) good onya deep bringing it up. (y) I reckon I have occasionally fluked this method as my eyesight is getting worse. I need longer arms to read the paper these days :D
Do you do a char light? I remember a time when I was a big fan. I just restarted doing it. How' bout you?
I'm using it to some extent, except not each step. I'm charring then tamping as the tobacco takes flame to glowing, and I draw in and tamp at the same time using my nose to exhale smoke and get more breath. This makes it just stay lit and it is tamped.

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