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Well-known member
Dec 9, 2007
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Thought I'd check to see if there were any chess players on the board. I'm not much of one but I'm thinking about getting back into it. I have a friend that's recently started to play pretty regularly and he put a whoppin' on me so I decided I better brush up. :king:
Jason, I play for fun only. Don't study the game or read books. Occasionally defeat a good play by my unorthodox style.
That's kind of how I always played CP but after getting my butt handed to me I thought it may be time to step it up a bit. Although I'm a little concerned aboout going overboard with it. I tend to do that with things I really like. :lol:
I recently realized that my Mac has a chess program loaded and I played a few games against the computer..... which proceeded to whup my backside even when set on the baby setting :cry: :lol: There were moves it was doing that I wasn't even aware of :scratch:
I'm not a good player by any stretch of the imagination. I know how the pieces move. And sometimes I can take an opponants pawn or two. :no:

Davey on the other hand is a great player! He used to play in tornies and all. I think he was a 1800+ player! Kicks my BUTT all the time! :cry:

I used to play on the Yahoo games boards. I haven't been there for a while. I think I had a rating of 1300 at best.

I do think it would be awesome to really know how to play and to be a student of the game. But, I have kids now and those days of studying new hobbies are gone! Wait a minute...well I guess I already took up a hobby that I have no idea how to do... SMoking PIPES! :lol!:

Playing chess is like arguing with my wife... no matter how well-versed I think I am in the rules of the game, I always end up yielding a check, mate... or worse, cash!
Chess? Never heard of the game.

But if you ever want to play, I am pun intended.

If you are serious about getting decent, it will be necessary to learn some basics of the game. If you can get around someone who is club player, you are well on your way to beating %80 of people who know how to "move the peices", so to speak.

I could go on and on, but I don't know what level you are interested in playing at, but you are welcome to ask anything on the subject. I can at leat point you in the right direction.

Thanks Davey, I probably will be asking you some questions when it comes up.

Absolutely anytime. I mean it. To say it is a passion of mine would be putting it mildly.
I played a lot in college (too much, almost flunked out!). What really helped me, other than getting my butt kicked from one end of campus to the other, was reading a few general beginner books on chess. Just learning a few basic concepts, like the importance of controlling the center four squares, or why you shouldn't bring out your rooks and especially your queen too early (on a crowded board, they're too easy to attack, so your opponent develops pieces while attacking and you have to retreat or dance).

Oh, and beer, beer really helps your game too (especially when your opponent consumes most of it).

There are some books put out by Microsoft Press which are written by Yasar Arawan(I think that's how it's spelled) that move in step from the absolute basics to some more complex chess strategies. I believe there's three or four in the series. I own the first two and, while very far from a great player(very, very far!) they provide a great foundation for moving on to that level if I ever took time to apply myself. Chess is a great game. I should play much more than I do.
I can play the game, no problem there. Winning is an entirely different matter. Years ago I was sporting the idea to myself about joining a chess club and actually learn some of the strategies to the game. Never happened and it probably never will.
Well I picked up a book and bought Chessmaster 9000. Going to go through those over the next couple of weeks and then spend a couple weeks just practicing. I told my buddy to give me a month and he agreed. He'll probably still kick my butt though.
Not familier with it, Jason, but there are so many...

One thing if I may (humbly) suggest is to focus on the understanding of how/why the pieces function the way they do ie. Why is a knight more valuable than a bishop in a closed game, HOW is a bishop stronger than a knight in a "open" game;

WHY do rooks on the opponents 7th rank spell d-e-a-t-h for him? etc,,,

Understanding the game, should be sought over memorizing opening moves.
Players who appraoch the game this way, always advance more quickly and always will be stronger players in the midle and long run.

just my 02 cents worth.

Good luck and shoot me a note anytime.


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