Christmas in July!

Brothers of Briar

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Kyle Weiss

Well-known member
Sep 18, 2011
Reaction score
Is it too late to share Secret Santa stuff?

I hope not.  

Scotties pulled my name some time ago, but due to life doing what life does best, she labored :snerk: to get something out to me eventually.  I tried to tell her I owed BoB an the group more than she realized overall, and to simply skip sending me anything if she needed to.   I have enough pipes, really.  Besides the random cheap basket pipe or a cob, I have smoking performance enviable by anyone in a skimpy financial situation.

No, she wouldn't have any of that.   Being a talented pipemaker herself, and generous as all getup, no amount of my ignoring the situation or talking it down worked.

And here it is, a gorgeous blast poker with angled just-right-capacity bowl, and sterling band.  Light as a feather, wonderful grain and complete with a custom pipe bag:


I've pretty much given up on insisting you all stop sending me stuff.  :lol:  Save it for another brother or sister.   Send it to Scotties, en masse, for example.  :D

Scotties, thank you Sister, this is more than I expected by a long shot.   :heart: You made my day (and my Christmas)! :santa: 

That women has no taste -- in men anyway.

Here I sit like a well aged cheese without such a kind thought.

Do you think the well aged cheese people mention about me as being Limburger has any thing to do with it?
Great present! :cheers: :cheers:

Congratulations - fill that bad boy up and get to business Kyle!:cheers:


Wonderful gesture and an even more wonderful pipe, congrat's my friend and kudos to Scotties. :)
Christopher Cross, better go out and get a Powerball ticket Kyle. You got lady luck on your side right now!


That is one helluva great looking pipe and no mistake! And kudos to our sister Scotties!!!



Carlos":esd8t7jd said:
Y'all said you had it worked out.  Looks great!  :sunny: 
:lol:  I was hoping you'd find your way in here, Carlos.   Yep, it worked out.  I had no doubt...seriously, I tried my best to evade, avoid and pretend like nothing was happening.  Scotties, on the other hand, has a heck of a memory.   :lol:  My last resort was going to be, "...but you already sent me something," but I wasn't about to screw with a woman-with-child.  Bad idea.  :pale:   :tongue:

For the rest of you, thank you for admiring the new beauty.  I ran some Semois through it, but that leaf is a bit tricky, especially in a new pipe.  Truthfully, I got the BEST flavor out of the Semois through it, but the lack of cake caused a little heat, and I was worried about singeing the uncoated bowl (and thank GOODNESS she's not a "bowl coating" kind of carver!!!).  :cheers:

The briar's tasty.  Probably going to run a bunch of Union Square through it for the next month until it starts settling in to its new life.   :heart: 


(PS--Lady Luck has never been on my side, the irony of living in a gambling town [or, that totally makes sense].  No powerball, lotto or MegaBucks for me--I'll take Lady Pipe Maker any day.  :heart: )
Cool pipe, Congrats. 8) 

Three cheers for Scottie...:cheers: :cheers: :cheers: 
Some damn nice ring grain in that puppy Kyle ! Love the size, finish, silverwork, and bit, it ALL WORKS !! Load that puppy up with some FM2000 to get it started cake-wise correctly :twisted: :twisted: 