Cigarette Smokers Actions

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Dec 23, 2007
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First let me say that I believe in honesty.My father drilled it in my head when I was growing up.I believe that society should realize that as a rule pipe smokers do not inhale smoke.Because they aren't honest though we get lumped with cigarette smokers who do inhale.I recently was quoted a cost for an additional life insurance policy that they knew I would refuse to pay,because of my age and the fact that I refused to give up my pipe.I told them that I didn't inhale.They replied that all smokers fall into the same class as far as they are concerned...One other thing..I just got back from a last minute run to the corner store so that I could get over charged for a few things..Some jerk had dumped what looked like about 50 cigarette butts in the parking lot.Now everyone who sees them will be even more convinced that something should be done about those darn smokers.Of I can't control what others do.It just irks me though that because people can't make honest rational conclusions.I get lumped into a class that I don't feel I belong in...I don't inhale smoke,and I don't throw pipes in parking lots.
Well, damn, everybody is always getting lumped in with somebody. People never will notice anything or make rational conclusions. No offense intended, but I could just laugh at the thought (not to put words in your mouth) that in any paralell universe people might actually pull their heads out of their ***** and draw a rational conclusion about much of anything. So, with the reality being so obvious and us all having bitched about such in everyday life and gotten over it, this is just hard to get pissed about. It's like saying that August in Texas is hot and I don't like broiling as I go about running errands.

Even cigarette smokers get an undeserved reputation by those pricks dumping their ashtrays into parking lots and smokers who work in offices taking 47 hour smoke breaks every hour. This just never ends and it's bringing down us all.
If you do throw your pipes away in a parking lot, let me know. I'd scoop them up.

But I agree with you about the messy cigarettes, it's ridiculous and creates an ugly eye sore that makes people frustrated
I sort of find it comforting to see litter on the street, maybe it reminds me of the part of town I grew up in. Hell, I'll litter anywhere. If they don't like it, how about they pay someone to clean it up, a lot of people could use the work. That's why THEY say "don't mess with Texas."
In addition to my pipes, I smoke cigarettes. But, in my 50 years of life, I've never dumped an ashtray in a parking lot... or, anywhere else other than in a trash can... then, only after making sure there's no fire in with the butts!

My next door neighbor smokes cigarettes only. She don't dump her butts in inappropriate places either! Hell, she's even got ashtrays on her deck... and, empties them before going back inside!! And, God help the careless guest who thumps a cigarette butt out in her yard!!

Yet, she and I get lumped into the same category with other cigarette smokers. So, see... it's not just others lumping you into a category that you don't belong in... you did it to us too!!
I smoked cigarettes for 19 years, but as I woke up on the morning of April 9, 2009 I decided that I had finished with it and I have been happy ever since. It has been over twenty months now and as far as I am concerned I don't smoke. I remember what those insurance policy rates were like before, and if I were asked I would list myself as a non-smoker.

I began smoking the pipe a month ago, but as i do not inhale I am never short of breath like I was all those years before. I often am required to traipse up and down up to four flights of stairs multiple times a day at work, and it doesn't phase me.

The pipe is such a different experience and I figure that all I can do is try to educate people to the difference the best I can. I have several friends who never really thought twice about pipes before, and now find them rather interesting. One of of my friends has already made the switch from cigars and is a member of this community.
Pipes have a mystique about them, no wonder your friends are becoming interested. I still remember smelling aromatic tobacco at an airport terminal 20 years ago (I'm 28 years old) and seeing a pipe smoker for the first time. I couldn't stop looking at him, it was impressive and intriguing. I've had people at work start asking me about pipes, and where to get one of their own. So, I tell them what they need to know or may listen to about the way to a better smoke. There's just something seductive about the pipe, it's undeniable.

I'd claim to be a non-smoker for that purpose, but seeing as I smoke all the time and do enjoy the nicotine, I could hardly consider myself one. Even if my battered lungs are getting better, but I was always walking a mile to work (or bicycling there) while smoking over two packs a day. I once worked with a cig smoker in his fifties who also rode a bike to work.
If you see a cigarette smoker throw their buts on the ground, advise them in a nice tone to start rolling their own. Cheaper (slightly), better tobacco, better flavor, and if you just use papers instead of tubes...100% biodegradable! :lol:

I will always support a cigarette smoker's right to smoke their cigarettes. It is of course their choice and their decision to make...but after so many years I sort of realized that it's a stupid one. :lol:

I recently quite after 15-20 some odd years with the aid of a personal vaporizer. No combustion, get as much nicotine (or as little) as I want, still get to inhale and blow out glorious plumes of smoke (actually vapor now). Multitudes of juice flavors to try, everything from Marlboro to Strawberry Cheesecake to Salt and Pepper. Rechargable batteries, recyclable plastic juice litter.

Agreed, Frost, and everyone I invite in my home knows my "smoke if you got 'em" rule applies to any form of tobacco.

When people actually quit smoking even though they haven't had a heart attack or an emphysema diagnosis, that just seems silly. Why give up anything when you can trade up to the pipe?

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