
Brothers of Briar

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West of the East and East of the West
Feb 24, 2009
Reaction score
Kansas prairie
Prepping myself for the onslaught from those who love them: I have never been able to get next to cobs. I've owned a few, including a big ol' Douglas MacArthur styled one. I don't remember them smoking poorly or anything, but then I don't remember them smoking great either. I guess my main prejudice is that a nice briar is just so much more attractive, and I'd rather have one of those sticking out of my face 😂
If I break a Peterson, I might cry.
A friend ran destroyed his favorite pipe, a Peterson System, the other day. It will take time to identify the new favorite and the destroyed one will always be remembered.
I guess you either like them or you don't.
I knew a doctor who was a pipe smoker in the late 80's and asked him about it. After dismissing cigarettes and cigars because of health reasons he told me smoking a pipe using non aromatic tobaccos in a cob and not inhaling was the safest way to enjoy tobacco. Throw away the cob when it gets gunked up.
I've enjoyed them for various reasons like those already mentioned. To me, they smoke cool, especially a raw cob, I can light them with about anything with no worries about them rim, and they usually smoke down to mostly ash without a fuss. I've had times when tobacco gave better or new tastes in a cob, but that has been more frequent in briars. I have 4 cobs with the largest being an MM General.
A friend ran destroyed his favorite pipe, a Peterson System, the other day. It will take time to identify the new favorite and the destroyed one will always be remembered.

I knew a doctor who was a pipe smoker in the late 80's and asked him about it. After dismissing cigarettes and cigars because of health reasons he told me smoking a pipe using non aromatic tobaccos in a cob and not inhaling was the safest way to enjoy tobacco. Throw away the cob when it gets gunked up.
Wonder why he specified non-aromatic?
Idle, love me a cob but you're entitled to your own opinion of them. Have you smoked one past the break in stage?

I find simpler tobaccos work best in a cob like burley blends or straight Virginia blends though my Latakia blends smoke pretty well too.
Timbo, I think it's an aesthetic thing rather than a "technical" thing for me.
I felt that way for years. I didn't want to look like a "rube" smoking a cob. :rolleyes: Now I see it as a type of "pipe pageantry", a persona I embrace while I'm smoking. More down to earth than my mood when I'm smoking something I feel is more formal, sophisticated, scholarly, or sage. My pipe selection is highly influenced by the impression I want to project or the way I want to feel while I'm smoking. I suppose you could call it a form of "cosplay".
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