I have a Neerup bent egg that I can smoke like it's my last minute on earth and it just does not get hot. The pipe is amazing! No other pipe in my collection allows me to smoke it like my Neerup does. I typically don't smoke fast, but when I walk I tend to get a pretty quick rhythm going. I smoke this Neerup a lot when I walk and it stays cool and dry the whole time.
I was always told that Dunhill's were known for this quality, but I do not own one so I don't know.
Brothers, what pipes do you own that smoke cool and dry no matter how hard you smoke them? Most of my pipes require me to slow my smoking or in most cases cease my smoking due to the heat, but this Neerup stays cool and dry puff after puff after puff.
I was always told that Dunhill's were known for this quality, but I do not own one so I don't know.
Brothers, what pipes do you own that smoke cool and dry no matter how hard you smoke them? Most of my pipes require me to slow my smoking or in most cases cease my smoking due to the heat, but this Neerup stays cool and dry puff after puff after puff.