Crack on the bowl

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
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Oct 15, 2017
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Missouri Ozarks
My Olivewood pipe has developed a crack on the outside of the bowl. There is also a small crack on the top of the stem. Now what do I do? The crack doesn't seem to go all the way through the bowl. When I put my hand over the bowl and draw through the stem, there is the normal tightness. Now, when I smoke the pipe, there seems to be some condensation oozing out of the crack. Is this pipe doomed? It still seems to smoke fine, but it worries me. The crack is getting bigger. Should I just ignore it, or should I try to put some glue or pipe mud on the crack? Anyone have any ideas about this problem? I really enjoy smoking this pipe and would be saddened if the crack made the pipe fall apart. :cry:
In my experience, a crack running across the exterior of the bowl usually needs pinning to stabilize. I'm betting there is a correlating crack or burn on the inside of the chamber, possibly from a natural flaw in the wood or from overheating. A repair is certainly possible, but if the seller is willing to remedy the situation, all the better. The repair would be tricky to hide given the light stain on that pipe.
I noticed a hair-width scratch or crack on the outside of my pipe today. It doesn't seem to have affected the functionality of the pipe at all, which is why I wonder if it's just a scratch, not a crack. Still, it concerns me. The cake seems intact as well. Two questions:

1. Is there a test or procedure I can perform to determine for certain whether it is a crack?

2. Should I perform any kind of preventative maintenance?

Today, I also discovered my pipe that I've previously affectionately referred to as "the mutt" is a starter pipe by Rick Knight (picture is not of my actual pipe):

I would think that if it's a scratch it should just polish out, if it's a crack it won't. Problem is you may need magnification to see if it's there or gone after polishing. Wish I could be more help but I just can't think of anything useful.


Oh and nice looking pipe there.
Corncobcon":2qqejan4 said:
My Olivewood pipe has developed a crack on the outside of the bowl.  There is also a small crack on the top of the stem.  Now what do I do?  The crack doesn't seem to go all the way through the bowl.  When I put my hand over the bowl and draw through the stem, there is the normal tightness.  Now, when I smoke the pipe, there seems to be some condensation oozing out of the crack.  Is this pipe doomed?  It still seems to smoke fine, but it worries me.  The crack is getting bigger.  Should I just ignore it, or should I try to put some glue or pipe mud on the crack?  Anyone have any ideas about this problem?  I really enjoy smoking this pipe and would be saddened if the crack made the pipe fall apart. :cry:
I’m guessing that the olive wasn’t fully dry when your pipe was made and as the wood has continued to dry the crack formed due to shrinkage. It depends on how long you have had the pipe, but I suspect it is now fully dry. If that is the case you shouldn’t see any more cracks.

A hairline crack like that shouldn’t be a concern unless the walls are super thin. I would guess that the pipe is now stable and will last you a good long time.


It's been almost 3 months now and the pipe is performing just fine. When I called the place where I purchased the pipe, the guy I spoke with wanted me to send the pipe back at my expense and they would "look at it and evaluate the problem." I decided not to do anything and just smoke it. I did sand it down a bit and put some natural tone wood putty on it, then sanded it some more. It seems to be fine, no more travelling crack.

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