As stated earlier there is no distinction between cigarettes, RYO, machine made cigars, premium cigars, snuff, chew, and pipe tobacco, it's all tobacco and it's all evil in the minds of statists like Frank Lautenberg, D-N.J., and Matthew Myers the president of the Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids (and make no mistake about it Myers not only doesn't want tobacco in the hands of kids, which is fine, but he also doesn't want any one of legal age to have it either. In these types of people's minds we are all kids and the government is our parents!). We can't be delusional on this, the solution will simply be to tax pipe tobacco at a much, much, much higher rate! Hell while they're at it they might as well raise taxes on cigars and cigarettes again too! Smokers are evil!
I don't see the RYO manufactures as throwing us pipers under the bus because they were just trying to save their ass. Did the RYOs raise taxes and set the rules? No, it was congress and our President that raised these taxes an outrageous amount! The RYOs are just following one of the rules of taxation; if you want less of something tax it more, more of something tax it less. Pipe tobacco is taxed less so it makes sense they would all of a sudden start making "pipe tobacco." In the news story I read it said the manufacturer of Farmer's Gold, M&R Holdings, cut staff from 40 people to a dozen! This is what happens when you tax things!
And what about this line from the AP article? "The tax implications could be huge. As much as $32 million a month could be lost in taxes if the sudden spike in pipe tobacco is just cigarette tobacco in disguise." They talk as if though the government is entitled to this money, as if they are working to produce it themselves! That's our money! It's not even the "evil" tobacco company's money because those taxes are simply passed on to us! It's our user fee for using a legal product.
Until we either get rid of these statists the continue to vote for tobacco taxes and regulations or change their minds we can expect continued taxation until no one can afford to smoke anything, then it will just be on to the next vice, probably alcohol, McDonald's, and gasoline, which will then be taxed and taxed to fill the tobacco monies void. We better stock up our cellars while we can still afford it.
Remember the floor tax that came with the SCHIP bill? I wonder how long before someone tries to introduce a personal floor tax on tobacco people already own? Ready for ATF agents to pay you a visit to take inventory?