Different tobaccos

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Well-known member
Jan 13, 2011
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ok so far I learned there are cavendish,latakia,and burly. what confuses me is whe there is mention of Virginia blends ect. could Virginia blends be part of the first ones I mentioned as well? I am very new to this and normally when someone says virginia blends i thi marlboro lights,reds,ect lol

Another thing is I have grown quite thrilled with cavendish's but want to venture out to others as well. I wasn't happy with the burly that came in the sir walter reileigh. However I bought a pouch of Captain black where the Burly was blended with the cavendish and enjoyed it a bit, It gave me quite an enjoyable change of pace a far as taste and experiance go's.

lastly i seen where some of you guys mentioned throwin in some sort of tobacco moisture tab or something in your tobbaco when it dries out, where can I get those.

The moisture tabs are carried by most tobacconists. Will cost you just a couple of bucks. As for the burley, I love Tinderbox's 1928 Reserve. To me, it had a fantastic flavor and only got better as the bowl went on. Are you buying tins or bulk? If you are buying bags from a bulk supply I would recommend only buying tins, unless you smoke a lot.

These tins can also help you age your tobacco, if I'm correct. I have purchased some other burley blends by GL Pease but have not yet had a chance to try them.

Do you know about then tobacco review site, and pipedia?


Have fun and enjoy the journey.
I have been buying 1.5 oz pouches ,bought bulk once . All of it is in a jar except the one pouch I bought tonight to try. I was just curious about the tabs so far my tobacco is still moist . I was looking to get the smaller tins once I can find time to get to the nearest smoke shop.
VA tobaccos are really good. They may bite you, though, if you smoke too fast trying to keep your bowl lit. They have somewhat delicate, often fruity or hay-like flavors. Often they are blended with another varietal, Perique.

Perique is made (IIRC) by fermenting the tobacco under pressure in its own juices. It has spicy, peppery notes, and dark, fruity, fig-like notes. It often tames a virginia and makes it less ready to bit your tongue.

If you're still looking for over the counter blends, I think Half-n-Half is a burley/VA blend. On the other hand, there are a lot of tobaccos of higher quality that you will end up discovering at some point. When you have the cash and decide you want to branch out, read some recommendations on here.

Which reminds me, my granddad used to smoke SWR, so I have some of it that I need to revisit--I only had a couple of bowls.
I read that virginia tobaccos and burleys are the way to go if you want to quit cigarettes, which I do because at around 6 bucks a pack I spend around 84 bucks a week between the wife and I , sometimes more sometimes less. If I could cut me off of them at least I would have more money for pipes,pipe tobacco and so on.

I heard that the Frog morton series is good,and really have my eye on those. Do tobacconists usually have samples of the bigger brands like those that you can try? I am making a list of what you guys smoke that looks like that I may enjoy after reading reviews on them.
Cuervo25_1":f3ajhcq3 said:
I heard that the Frog morton series is good,and really have my eye on those. Do tobacconists usually have samples of the bigger brands like those that you can try? I am making a list of what you guys smoke that looks like that I may enjoy after reading reviews on them.
Frog Morton is an english blend and as such has a healthy dose of latakia, a smoked tobacco that is hit or miss. Many smokers love it, while some aren't too keen on it. Its room note is also something to consider since your wife is a factor in this smoking, she may not like it. I say go ahead and give it a try, but if you're looking to virginias and burleys you cant go wrong with a good solid VA/PER or virginia burley mix. Try Exhausted Rooster or Barbary Coast for a mix of all three aforementioned tobaccos. Above all, don't be afraid to branch out and try something different, you never know what you like until you try it!
From the Va/Perique line I'd also highly recommend Escudo. Can be found at most Tinderboxes/B&M's or online. Walter Raleigh from what I've found is defintely ont he lower end of the burley quality wise (as are most pouch tobacco's).

I'd definitely second the Froggy as a good starting point for English/Latakia blends though it does have a very strong room note as mentioned above, it's also very low in the nicotine department to me. Rattray's Highland Targe has become a favorite of mine as a blend that has a decent nicotine kick for me but also a very nice flavor incorporating a fair bit of Va with some (very little it seemed) Latakia. In fact, witht eh Rattray's I never found myself looking for a cigarette afterwards as I often do with the Frogmorton stuff.

MacBaren's Va No1 is an easy to find Virginia but I'll warn you it bit me like a Rottweiler. Smoke it VERY slowly!
itsKot":r6xn07kl said:
Its room note is also something to consider since your wife is a factor in this smoking, she may not like it.
It don't matter if she likes it or not, we don't smoke in the house, because we are renters. Even though Our landlady( which is the best Landlady or landlord I met ever!) said we could and game us permission to treat the house as if we owned it. We made that decision out of respect. I have a nice glider chair in the back yard next to a fire pit that I use in the colder months.

Alot of the tobaccos that was mentioned look wonderful, time to start a collection :D
The Frog line is a personal favorite of mine now. I agree, however, that the nicotine kick isn't really there.
Cuervo25_1":eau5woxi said:
I heard that the Frog morton series is good,and really have my eye on those. Do tobacconists usually have samples of the bigger brands like those that you can try? I am making a list of what you guys smoke that looks like that I may enjoy after reading reviews on them.
At my B&M does have tinned samples. So does the other one that I went to. The only thing you have to watch out for is how old the time is, and I don't mean aged. My B&M has had the same tin of frog morton opened for the past 6 months. If you want to try a sample, your best bet, freshness wise, is to try the house blends. That way you can figure out if you like a particular type of tobacco before you by a tin that has the same type. Just my 2 cents.
Indeed! Thanks thats is a great list, lots of good info to be had.
Obelus has provided some very good information with that list.

Obelus, thanks for the handy list of different tobacco. It will very useful next time I dont find a particular blend for sale and I need alternatives.
Nice list of tobaccos, Obelus!

A few footnotes to add for new smokers--
These companies are no longer in business and their tobaccos are very difficult to find-
Affordable Pipes
Compton's of Galashiels (pipes2smoke has their recipes and offers repros)
House of Windsor (several companies are offering repros)
Imperial (some reports of Former's blends to be very similar)
Dunhill--who knows?

Old Belt Ready Rubbed by W.O. Larsen (no longer being produced)


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