Disposable lighters.

Brothers of Briar

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Nov 28, 2010
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I guess everyone has to start somewhere, so for my first post I shall regale you with what happened at lunch today.
I am normally a die hard zippo fan. However, I am in the middle of moving and most of my stuff is packed. The zippo that I normally carry broke this weekend so I went out and grabbed a cheapie disposable.

Years ago I swore off disposable lighters for a number of reasons. The major issue being that pocket lint collects in the head of the lighter. But necessity called and one found its way into my pocket. Now being a scout when I was younger, I remember that pocket lint is the near perfect tinder for starting fires. As a matter of fact, I've many times pulled out the pocket lint during a camping trip to do just that. Sadly, not meaning to, I lit a nice quick fire today while lighting my pipe. Errr..not the kind you'd want though.

It happened this way....
I packed the pipe, lit the lighter and a flaming ball of butane laden lint bounced off of my thumb, landed on my arm and set my arm hair into a short lived flaming blaze that rendered the most horrible smell. While I was busy waving off the smell, my father in law who was watching in amazement uttered the words: "Son, you've got style...." and then went back to watching tv.

I have a couple of disposables that I use as a last resort. Thanks for sharing this story and welcome to BoB. :lol:
Used Zippos since I was 17, except I once found myself in a similar situation, and I remember the taste of burning lint.
:shock: Never had this happen to me. Wierd. Maybe the lint trap in you dryer is full ;)
I haven't had this issues either, I have carried the same one for the last 3 weeks as well. Oh well, maybe it is a different detergent. Hey it made for a great story though!
Haha! At first I thought your name was Spazzkat, which would make sense in this case!
Happy I could entertain. Strange misfortunes are often the seeds of hilarity. I do wonder if I should change my name to "Spazzkat." :roll:
:) :affraid: :) :affraid: Mixed feelings about your story. Laugh, fear but mostly very amused.
Funny story.

Never had the pocket-lint problem, but your story does make me glad I don't have to carry my lighter in my belly-button! That could pose a fire-ball problem.

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