I have a fairly average set of gifts/whatever for a priest. There are a couple that are unusual or better developed or something. I have a capacity to discern spirits. I am also a remarkably cool head in a crisis. It is as if I go into autopilot and can be calm and task oriented when things are really ugly. I was this way as an EMT and as a fireman. I have been this way as a priest as well. When I try to process it all later, it can scare the crap out of me then, but at the time, I seemed to have a capacity for serenity.
I got mugged once (back in pre clergy collar days) by three guys with a knife. I told them to put the knife away and if they thought I had more money than they did, I would just give them what I had. They put the knife away and told me to keep my money.
Perhaps as an gift secondary to the discerning spirits, I can sometimes know things about people that they have not told me. It is as if I have dreamed it or something. This one is most obvious when I hear confessions. It is as if I have already them say it, and there are no surprises. I have to prompt sometimes because I know the bit they have not said yet.
I hope I have not overshared and these qualify, but you DID ask.