Never watched it back in the day—too busy doing my own sciencey thangs...well, plus rock 'n' roll, of course. You gotta remember, in 1963 the Brit Invasion was still ramping up. Some of us who grew up on a hodge-podge of doo-***, folk songs, Elvis, Doris Day, and a corral of crooners destined for Vegas in their senior years were still trying to find something like a musical focus. The Fab Four exploded onto the scene in 1963-64, followed by an army of Brit tunesters. Then The Byrds brought it all back home, that was all she wrote for me and TV.
Flash forward to modern tymes, and the onset of Netflix, and one day Mrs. Vito exclaims, "Oh, hey...they have The Doctor!", and I'm going...
"Doctor who...?", and she sez, "Yes."
(...cue Vito's "WTF?" generator...

Anyhow, it turns out that she was a fan of the original B&W series as a kid back in the '60s, so I watched a couple of episodes to find out what I hadn't missed. Then the kids got hooked on the newer stuff, which is somewhat more engaging. So, while I wouldn't call myself a fan, I do enjoy watching occasionally. I jump around. The stuff with John Sim (as "The Master") was pretty cool. It was interesting to see Sim play a ******* after his brilliant performance as Sam Tyler in
Life on Mars.