OK gentlemen, pay attention! We have our twenty. Still awaiting check-in from another half dozen or so. Individual mission orders are in current development (as per the Special Ops aspect of this mission) and will be going out over the weekend.
Again, the basics:
Date: August 3, 2012
Attention to Orders: BoB Bomber Mission “Dog Days Spec Ops August”
From: CenBoBComm
Weather data: varied by region…attn.: to local conditions
Method of transport: individual selection authorized
Security: EXTREME…MAX Clearance required…cleared via CenBoBComm…Codename Blackhorse
Maintain Security Alert RED due to recent clandestine activity noted in prior transmission.
Target Designation: Specific Mission Orders per PM
Please use any available resources, except direct contact or contact with any person outside the Squadron to obtain target data that will allow an appropriate choice of bombs. In other words, all research for this mission shall remain TOP SECRET!
Bomb Load: individual selection authorized…extreme prejudice mandated
Specific Instructions: As always, no public posting containing information as to items sent, puns, related names, or any other chatter that might give clues to the target is to occur. This will be strictly enforced.
Mission Date: This is extremely important. It is paramount that your bombs arrive on target simultaneously so as to maximize the physical and psychological damage and resulting impairment.
Time your individual bombers to depart so as to arrive at the target on FRIDAY, AUGUST 24!
Again…following the mission there is to be no mention of specific names re: who delivered what bomb.