Downey's new Holmes is an "action hero"...

Brothers of Briar

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Ah well. I guess I'll go see it anyway, just because I love most anything Sherlockian. I'll probably be disappointed. He does have a point though about the bi-polar diagnosis. :study:
The screen version has always been different form the book version, and here they go with a version they say is true to the print version, but without appropriating an actual story from the print version. So hopefully if they did it right, we will get a new take on the great detective, but won't have to carp how they "changed" the story. And certainly the part of John Watson has left a lot to be desired in the screen versions, he was never the buffoon in the written version. Less perceptive at times than Sherlock, but then who wasn't (well Dr. M. and occasionally brother Mycroft)? Being less perceptive than Sherlock was like saying you were less inventive than Edison, hardlyputs you in the "special education" class.

Al (in Canada)
I'm looking forward to it but I plan to take it for what it is, not what I think it should be.
My guess is that Hollywood will have ruined Holmes just as they have done to the venerable 007. Sad.
I wonder if Downey will have a cocaine relapse from portraying Holmes? :twisted:

Winslow :sunny:
Just saw the new Holmes movie the other day with the wife. Jude law plays a strong Watson - maybe one of the best. Downey Jr portrays a Holmes a little rougher around the edges than I prefer but it was an entertaining movie nonetheless. I'm a big Holmes fan so it was nice to see another film dedicated to the famous character.

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