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Btw: if you meant Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity.. I do not partake. The last time I listened to Rush was when Clinton was in the White House. I know Hannity is a personality but I honestly don't know if he's a tv or radio personality, I just know the silly liberals hate him.

If my media consumption matters to you...

When I listen To the radio Its usually NPR or RC Sproul, Ravi Zacharius, Alister Begg
I watch less TV than your typical American, literally less than an hour or two per week and that's during Louisvilles televised athletics seasons. During the off season it drops to an hour or two per month.
I Do partake of the occasional movie.. I watched both Guardians of the Galaxy AND The Giver this year... But there is almost two weeks of the year left so I may get wild and get a third one in for the year.
Now that that's all said please make relevant snide remarks about how disconnected I am.
puros_bran":hr52x2oz said:
Guardians of the Galaxy
Just watched that on Blu-Ray the other night. I thought I was gonna hate it, but it was pretty funny.

Most people are shocked to find out I watch about 15 minutes of local news for the weather about three times a week and don't have cable. What could my life possibly be like without media chatter and picking the red or the blue team? :lol:

I just wait for baseball season if I'm gonna pick a team. Then it's just games on AM radio.

Thanks for clearing up the Sean and Rush thing, I thought it was some progressive rock mashup or a collaborative effort. Monbla isn't quite on the same meds you are PeeB, but you never know. :lol:

puros_bran":wvz3czes said:
Btw:  if you meant Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity..  I do not partake.  The last time I listened to Rush was when Clinton was in the White House.  I know Hannity is a personality but I honestly don't know if he's a tv or radio personality, I just know the silly liberals hate him.

If my media consumption matters to you...

When I listen To the radio Its usually NPR or RC Sproul, Ravi Zacharius, Alister Begg
I watch less TV than your typical American, literally less than an hour or two per week and that's during Louisvilles televised athletics seasons. During the off season it drops to an hour or two per month.
I Do partake of the occasional movie.. I watched both Guardians of the Galaxy AND The Giver this year... But there is almost two weeks of the year left so I may get wild and get a third one in for the year.
Now that that's all said please make relevant snide remarks about how disconnected I am.
I would NEVER think YOU were disconnected!! YOU are a true 21st century kinda guy !! :twisted: I differ to your OBVIOUS supreme knowledge !! How can I think living 68 years on the planet can in any way be better than your OBVIOUS MENTAL SUPERIORITY !! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Right.. Right... I forgot. 68 years old, pipe smoking for 70 years, All hail the old guy.
puros_bran":s7ec7vjz said:
Right.. Right... I forgot.  68 years old, pipe smoking for 70 years,   All hail the  old guy.
You damn betcha !! :cheers: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
So anyway... To sum it up before I leave this thread.  

You posted a link to a sight where a guy apparently claims another mans work as his own..
You got called on it..
You promised if it could be shown the information was available you would recant..
You were shown the information (from the man that took the time to compile the article in the first place) is on the site..
You did not honor your word..

Attack me all you'd like,  it doesn't change the fact that you did not honor your word.    Good day to you Monbla..I'll no longer be interacting with you concerning this topic.
puros_bran":o8syxyzp said:
So anyway... To sum it up before I leave this thread.  

You posted a link to a sight where a guy apparently claims another mans work as his own..
You got called on it..
You promised if it could be shown the information was available you would recant..
You were shown the information (from the man that took the time to compile the article in the first place) is on the site..
You did not honor your word..

Attack me all you'd like,  it doesn't change the fact that you did not honor your word.    Good day to you Monbla..I'll no longer be interacting with you.
Nobody ever said you had to and I never talked about recanting anything! But your the 21st century guy and I'm just an old man so what would I know! Bye :twisted: :twisted: By the way I just posted something I found that I had not seen in the area I posted it that I thought folks would be interested in. I don't read the Chinese alphabet as you more knowledgeable folks do so I was not aware of what those charachters said. And if EVERY thing that's posted on ANY Forum is TOTALY original to EVERY poster well i've obviously not been living in the same world as you!! Have a good day :twisted: :twisted:

Tis the season.

For blowing off steam.

" />

...and to Monbla, for a true test in stubborn senility. :lol: :cheers:

Kyle Weiss":12moqcz6 said:

...and to Monbla, for a true test in stubborn senility.   :lol:   :cheers:

You're so kind. I'll return the favor !! :twisted: :twisted:
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