onabullit":3faufeph said:
I got 12 nightcap and 3 EMP on the way from SP. I may have gone a little overboard on the NC so if anyone has sealed tins for trade???? If not I may try to cash in on eBay suckers.
Not to be contentious, but there are a couple things to keep in mind: 1) spiteful hoarding, and eBay opportunism, takes away from some of us who are genuinely interested in smoking this stuff. Someone grabbing a load of tins means some of don't get a chance at a tin at all. I'd like a tin just to smoke, and I don't have the means to trade and get involved in some sort of tin game. (I don't know what I mean by
genuinely, because I assume even the people spending $50 for a tin on eBay want the tobacco to smoke it at some point). 2) Thinking of eBayers as
suckers is kind of undeserving and presumptuous. How can anyone be sure that they know of other outlets? I mess around online quite a bit, doing searches, Googling, etc. I didn't run into this board or Pipestuds, for instance, for a long time. Yes, some are lazy. Yes, some are stupid. But some of them just haven't been blessed with the right information or outlet options.
Just a couple things to consider. It's cool that folks got some tobacco they desperately wanted. I'm both envious of you and joyful for you.
EDIT: and this is greatly part of the fault of the retailer for not setting a tin limit per customer. I realize times are tough, so you take the cash when you can get it, but setting a limit on something as sought after as this is both smart and fair. The more happy customers, the more repeat customers.