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Well-known member
Nov 28, 2012
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Just picked up the Joye 510 ecig kit in another attempt to give up the cigarettes.
Has any of you tried electronic cigs? Any luck giving up cigarettes with it?

I only ordered the tobacco flavor and it tastes pretty good but does not taste like any cigarette I've ever had.
I saw that there is a liquid that is supposed to taste like cigars. I might give that a try if this stuff works out.


Just saw that the State of Illinois Senate (Nickname: Sucker State) has, in its infinite wisdom, legislated to completely outlaw smoking within square miles of the university campus. Included in the ban is e-cigs. That should tell you that it isn't all about the health hazard.

You better pick up a roll of bubble wrap. I think the politicians are going to make us all dress like that kid in the car commercial.
Just ran across this post and figured I'd offer my 2 cents. Let me preface this with a note that i have no adfiliation with any website, company etc. mentioned herein and receive nothing for my endorsement(s).

I switched to an e cig in December of 2009, and haven't had an analog since. The 510 is the magic atomizer, the rest is all a matter or preference, battery life, convenience, etc. I currently use a Black Bullet from altsmoke.com. The upshot is that the battery lasts me about 1.5 days between charges/swaps, but the thing is kind of obnoxiously big. For atomizers and liquid, I go to totallywicked-eliquid.com. They are originally from the UK, but now have a presence in Florida so shipping is pretty darn quick. If you have any specific questions, I'd be happy to answer them. Meanwhile, here's a couple quick thoughts:

-It is not the same as a cigarette, and never will be. For me it has been a great substitute and I've never looked back. That said, if you go into it expecting it to be identical, you will surely be disappointed.

-Whenever anyone asks me if it helps you quit, I respond the same way..."it did for me, and that's all I can offer" If ever there was a call for YMMV, this is it for me.

Best of luck!
I'm late...

I sorta parrot the last post.. ECig Juice does not and cannot taste like burning chemical and tobacco processed into paper.
After a year and a half of doing this I'm glad it can't.

My current weapon of choice? The iTaste MVP with a ViVi Nova. drain the battery down, find any micro usb cable and wala charged up... It takes a little to get over the idea of "it must look like a cig" and "it must taste like a cig'.. but once your past that the whole world opens up. I've tried juice from everywhere, at the moment mountainoaksvapor.com is my fave with mtbakervapor.com running a close second (and insanely cheap pricing)

I've had one of everything made the last couple years. I'm still way ahead financially but I'm still sensitive to insane prices for cheap crap.. You can do way better than a 510T at the same or lower price point, but hey.. whatever works.. and it is what I started on.

Good youtubers to watch

https://www.youtube.com/user/pbusardo?feature=csp-in-feed PBusardo is the king of e cig techy reviewers.. period, hands down, no contest..

https://www.youtube.com/user/GrimmGreen/videos Who doesn't love Nick?

https://www.youtube.com/user/vapeteam/videos the Vape Team, for all your vaping news, reviews, and goings on.
Hey puros... I will have to give mountain oak a shot for liquids. I've gotten several from random vendors, and tend to keep coming back to TW, but am always on the lookout. Couple quick questions for you: what kind of battery does the iTaste use? Also, what are your thoughts on the Nova? A bunch of places carry something similar, but I've yet to pull the trigger. I'm using the old style tank and not entirely thrilled with the vapor output/flavor. I'd be curious to hear your thoughts.
Mountain Oaks description are spot on.. and nothing I've tried needs steep time. I'm thouroughly impressed.

The itaste MVP has an enclosed non replacable battery....
I chain vape from wake up til bed time and it last me a day and a half... 'normal' vapors are getting 2-3 days per charge... You can also use it as a pass-thru. It comes with two replacable head I-16 clearomizers.
Grimm Green (nick ) did a review of it on his YouTube...
i-vape.net (google it, I'm close) has a coupon code in their description and free shipping.

The Vivi is solid. I've been using them on and off for a little over a year.. 3ml capacity, changeable inexpensive heads.. Some say they mute flavor but I think they just use the head to long.. a week or two max is about what I get. They'll burn longer but get kinda stiff draw..
If you shop you can find the heads at about $9 per 5 pack.. not bad for a month and a half- three month supply imo.

I'm eye-balling a Smok RSST rebuildable but I can't see ever not having a vivi handy.
Thanks for the replies.
After having to wait for the 510 to charge I decided to get a couple ego 1100,s and they have lasted all day plus for me.
I ordered a couple small bottles of juce from Heathers Heavenly Vapes after reading some great reviews on her stuff.

I'm doing pretty good with it so far but since it aint an analog I can't really tell when to put it down for a while.
Do either of you know if the Kanger Protank will fit the standard eGo battery?

Hey Ken. It sure should. The kanger uses a 510 connection which has become the de facto industry standard. You'll find that most major ecigs and mods... Not to mention atomizers, tanks etc all use the 510 connection.
There ya go... I keep ego as backup.

As for chain vaping... Pfft.. I smoked about 3.5-4 pack a day, I vape more than I smoked... Lol

I like Kanger products.

Two more good sites... Discount vapor . Com and vaporjoes.com
Wife & I use the Kgo from Hoosier e-cig, which is an ego style batt. usually with the Vision CE4 type atomizers and usually just get the Hoosier juices too. I'm currently stuck on "just waffles" for the last few weeks. Haven't had a real cigarette for roughly two years I think.
That's a nice article with a decent overall perspective on it methinks.

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