I'm an Afrikaans speaking "boertjie" who grew up on a farm in the "Groot Karoo". Semi-desert type of area where, in 1960/61, not a drop of water fell from the sky for 12 months. Maybe hard to believe but, true.
So, the smell of "earth" for me means something else than for others. Yes, I did smell the earth while and after the first rains came after that severe drought. I did smell the earth when my dad ploughed little areas which was suitable for a vegetable garden, corn and wheat. And I loved it. But I also smelled the dry, dusty Karoo. I appreciate the smell of my freshly cut lawn. But the smell of rain, mixed with dirt, old motoroil, diesel, rubber and what not on our streets, is awefull.
So, I find it hard, almost impossible, to assosiate all these smells and aromas with the tobacco I'm smoking. I don't want "EARTH" in there.
I will thus continue to smoke what I like and like what I smoke and bugger the rest!! :lol: