Gentlemen, it is with a heavy heart that I tell you that I just, literally, was on the telephone with Conwood, and ERRd will be no more after 1 July 2008. While I am not suicidal just yet, SWSL has removed many sharp, pointed objects from my immediate grasp. Reason given: "ERRd, VIP and Rum/Maple are poor sellers, and may not fit into the Conwood profile." These are sad days, indeed.
"Conwood may be reached from 8:00 AM and 4:30 PM CST. Call 901-761-2050 Monday through Friday, or write us at Conwood Sales Co. LLC or Conwood Company, LLC, P. O. Box 217, Memphis, TN 38101." Ask for Customer Service, ironically.
Now, there may be some disparity w/ others who may have called or attempted contact w/ Conwood. But, the Customer Service rep's comments to me were quite emphatic. Conwood is retaining Sail, Smokers' Pride, and SWR. 105 years of tobacco history down the crapper.