Edward G. Robinson's Pipe Blend

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Aug 31, 2012
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Because I've been smoking Edward G. Robinson's Pipe Blend and have mentioned it a bit on this forum, given or traded some samples from the tub I got, a rep at Sutliff gifted me a tub of EGR, a tin of French Quarter, a tin of Blend #5, and an ounce and half of ERR Match. I promised him I would review each blend for him, too. I did write a review of EGR at Tobacco Reviews, as did a couple of people who got samples from me. http://tobaccoreviews.com/blend_detail.cfm?ALPHA=E&TID=1125 I know this reads a little like an ad, but how often does a rep at a company do something this nice? I wasn't asked to do anything in return, but when a company does something this generous, I think they should be publicly thanked, so hats off to Sutliff for what they did for me.
I've read good reviews about the ERR match and it is on my to-try list.
Wet Dottle":gw8q3yba said:
I've read good reviews about the ERR match and it is on my to-try list.
The only difference I can tell between the original ERR and the Match is that the original has a little deeper molasses taste. In a blind taste test, it'd be hard to tell one from another.
One thing I've never mentioned is that EGR smokes better in a decent size bowl than a small one. The bigger bowl gives you a chance to experience the various flavors. Either way, it's become my favorite aro, surpassing SWRA in my book. As many of you know, I tend to be a Virginia/Perique smoker, but this stuff is addictive.
I will have to give it a try next time I place an order somewhere.
Sutliff has been pretty good about taking care of loyal smokers, as well as trying to get a few new ones. In that respect especially, I think their recent acquisition by Mac Baren is a good fit: they're both very customer driven.

I admit I don't typically go looking for new aromatics to try, and I wasn't even aware of EGR's blend until last year. It looks intriguing, though there's always that nagging fear because of Mixture 79's reputation. Given your ringing endorsement (and ruffinogold's; did you send him a sample?) however, I may be persuaded to give it a shot.

By the way, Pipestud has an old tin of this from Greenfield & Winther on his site right now, if you want to try an earlier vintage.
HCraven":nksg4lex said:
Sutliff has been pretty good about taking care of loyal smokers, as well as trying to get a few new ones. In that respect especially, I think their recent acquisition by Mac Baren is a good fit: they're both very customer driven.

I admit I don't typically go looking for new aromatics to try, and I wasn't even aware of EGR's blend until last year. It looks intriguing, though there's always that nagging fear because of Mixture 79's reputation. Given your ringing endorsement (and ruffinogold's; did you send him a sample?) however, I may be persuaded to give it a shot.

By the way, Pipestud has an old tin of this from Greenfield & Winther on his site right now, if you want to try an earlier vintage.
I think Sutliff has done more to encourage and support the pipe smoking crowd than any other company. They sure treated me with generosity and respect. As an aside, I've read on line about a couple of people who took advantage of the free Private Stock giveaway, and got aromatics instead of non-aromatics. They wrote Sutliff about it, and the company responded by quickly sending out a couple of tins to each person of non-aros. That to me is a company working to please it's base.

I'm not that much into aros either, but I wanted to try EGR because he's obviously one of my favorite actors. I was not sure if I'd even like the blend, and you can imagine how happy I was to discover that I not only like it, but it's become my favorite aro, even over Sir Walter Raleigh Aromatic, which I've smoked off and on for twenty-five years. Sometimes, I'm smoking something else, and I start craving EGR. In almost 40 years of pipe smoking, no blend ever had me doing that until now.

Yes, I sent Ruffinogold a sample of EGR, as I did to several other people. From what I can gather, 4 people have bought tubs of it. I know three of them like it a lot, and I'm waiting to hear what the 4th guy thinks. I sent out samples to seven people. Six really liked it. One guy isn't into aros at all, but he wanted to try it. He thought it was a little too sweet for him, but then again, he's not into aros. But he did say he thought it'd work for anyone who was.

You may know I've tried a lot of different blends over the years and have written a number of reviews at Tobacco Reviews. And if you check my reviews, you'll see I've always tried to be fair and honest. There are some blends I really hated and thought had no redeeming qualities, but there are some that deserve nothing but raves. It's all subjective and depends upon individual tastes, as everybody knows. I like a wide range of genres, and rate everything on the merits of how they compare to other blends in said genre.

That said, I just feel EGR deserves wider attention. We've all seen mixtures discontinued - like Edgeworth Ready Rubbed - and I don't want to see something I intend to smoke for the rest of my life go the way of the dinosaur just because people don't know about it. It may not be to everyone's taste (nothing is), but it's a good tobacco with a lot of flavor.
A friend in another pipe site to whom I sent a sample just told me he's buying a tub. That makes 6 now. [:D] Btw, Iwan Reis and Mars Cigars carry EGR.
You're right, Jim, it would be a shame to lose another blend to obscurity just because people don't try it. Sutliff has been a bit of a mystery to me until recently. We've all heard horror stories about M79 at some point, and I wasn't even sure the Sutliff Private Stock line was made by the same company for a while there (once again, tobaccoreviews.com adds to the confusion by listing them under a separate brand, Sutliff Tobacco Company, while M79 is listed under H. Sutliff), and things like EGR, Heine's Blend and Whitehall Black Tie get lost in the shuffle.

I'll have to see if I can get hold of some of this blend, or maybe I'll just buy a tub (it's pretty reasonably priced anyway), and give it a try.

Tell John I said hi, by the way, and give him my thanks for some good recommendations. Several have made my regular rotation.
Great news! The Sutliff rep called me and said, due to the response about EGR from this thread and a couple of others I posted on other pipe sites, they are going to make a 1.5 oz. tin version of EGR! By seeing people's reactions here, I convinced them to do more with the blend. I'm very excited because this means people who want to try it can without making a decent financial risk. And increases the chances of the brand staying around so your truly will always have it to smoke! Isn't that an amazing turn of events?
After reading all of your post, you have got me intrigued to try it out.
JimInks":zuzwan4j said:
Great news! The Sutliff rep called me and said, due to the response about EGR from this thread and a couple of others I posted on other pipe sites, they are going to make a 1.5 oz. tin version of EGR! By seeing people's reactions here, I convinced them to do more with the blend. I'm very excited because this means people who want to try it can without making a decent financial risk. And increases the chances of the brand staying around so your truly will always have it to smoke! Isn't that an amazing turn of events?
That is great news, Jim. I'll buy some as soon as it hits the shelf! I really appreciate when a company listens to their customers like this. Seems like marketing people spend a lot of time coming up with new ideas about how to sell more product, when all they really have to do is ask. It's not like we're hard to find.

If the Sutliff rep is reading this, my hat's off to you. Good luck in your new association with Mac Baren. Both companies are aces in my book.
I heard from a Sutliff rep that his e-mail box exploded because of all the requests for EGR in the smaller tins, and Three Nuns as a VaPer! This is consumer power at its finest! Keep it going! They are reading and paying attention to the e-mails and threads on this forum.
JimInks":2dk6daxo said:
I heard from a Sutliff rep that his e-mail box exploded because of all the requests for EGR in the smaller tins, and Three Nuns as a VaPer! This is consumer power at its finest! Keep it going! They are reading and paying attention to the e-mails and threads on this forum.
I sent them a "mail" and if they re-formulate Three Nuns back as it was I will definitely be a customer for that one ! Time and the market will tell :twisted:
Well, because of customer response to the EGR threads I've been posting, Smoking Pipes started carrying the blend and sold out quickly. They have more in now. As of today, 4Noggins is carrying EGR in tubs, too. Its great to see companies listening to their customers! :D:D I don't know about 4Noggins but I was told that Smoking Pipes will also carry EGR in the smaller 1.5 oz. tins when they become available.
Gotta admit I'm curious about this as well, even though I seldom smoke aros. Yet all I've read here as well as the comments on the review site make me open to getting some in to decide for myself.

Nothing ventured they say.

