I very much disagree with the "if ya don't vote don't bitch" cliche. When all that's offered is corruption why would an honest man be complicit in the activity... We've voted for the less of two evil for at least 5 decades and look where we are.
It's so bad in Kentucky that most people aren't even aware there are any choices besides Allison Lunderson Grimes (a despicable woman that toes Obama's line and then lies about it) and Mitch McConnell (a dispicable man that steps on the necks of the people and calls it freedom) The Demublicans actually prevented anyone besides their two Jack boots from being on the public station (KET)debate by citing Freedom of The Press!!! By stating that because KET only invited those two candidates no one else COULD be in the debate. WTF have we become when a tax payer funded tv station is used against the citizenry? Oh wait, it's okay we voted on it, it's fine.
Two closing points: 1. I didn't say I dont vote, only that I dont think the saying is true. 2. Concerning Ms Grimes, if someone believes in Obama's vision of America that's okay, I think it's wrong but this is America, but at least be honest about it...