Estimating How Much Tobacco You Smoke - Experiment

Brothers of Briar

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Slow Puffs

Well-known member
Dec 10, 2007
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A few weeks ago I did an experiment.

I opened two tins: one 50 g tin of Frog Morton and one 2oz tin of Lombard.
I started on a Monday and smoked nothing else until they were empty…. 5 and half days (Saturday noon).

That would mean I would smoke between 100 to 132 (50g / 2 oz) tins a year.

There are variables in this of course, but I would consider this to be fairly accurate with my pipe-smoking. BTW, I do not smoke cigars or cigs.

:D Paul
I average 52 tins per year. But I also abstain from the pipe for two or three months out of the year, therefore my rate of smoking is actually more than one tin per week.
wow. :affraid:

i wish i had the time.
i may have to try this experiment as well. it may take me two weeks to smoke 1 tin... but i think this may be a fun challenge.
Normally, I smoke one 14oz tub of Edgeworth RRd each month, averaging about 8 smokes each day. This is the base smoke, and addes to periodically w/ random bowls of Barrister, OJK, HB, and, for the last month, 4Seasons.
Wow....I'm no where in the "tin a week" league!! I usually have a bowl or two in the evening, if the weather's nice. When things warm up a bit more, I'll be able to puff in the morning while I'm reading the newspapers and drinking coffee. Quite frankly, between the tins and the bulks (and the cigars!); if I never buy any more tobacco, I might just make it til I wake up on the wrong side of the dirt!! FTRPLT
I'm in the 'less than a tin a week' camp. Took me a couple years to figure out. I used to lug around 5-6 blends, and carried Most of it back in the house when I got home. Now I carry 1 tin. Last week it was GLP Westminster, I carried over half of it back. This week its Wessex Burley Slice, we'll see how I do on it.
4-6 bowls a day, depending on how much my mouth can tolerate. 3/4s or more are burleys, with the occasional Va/Per or Balkan thrown in.
2-4 bowls a day, occasionally as many as 6. Just depends on what I am doing and where I am. Also I smoke fairly large pipes most of the time.

I don't know what that equals to in number of tins. In-between bowls of Walnut I opened a tin of 2 oz. tin of Cumberland this past Thursday and there isn't much of it left. I am really trying to limit myself with this blend but it is difficult.
I usually smoke 3 bowls a day which averages out to about 4 oz. per week.

Even with Wisconsin's excessive tobacco taxes, this is a relatively inexpensive hobby.

Heck, my wife charges me more for sex than I spend on tobacco. :D

I don't think I've ever finished a tin :oops: I'm addicted to trying new blends, so I buy tins, smoke a few bowls, jar it and move on to the next at best I smoke a bowl a day or every other day, but I have been known to go weeks and even a month or so without smoking
Counting all the different bulk tobaccos I smoke in a month
about a pound and a half :pipe:
I have one or two bowls most days, excepting days off. Four or five per day on weekends. If only I could smoke at my desk...

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