My local shop had a bag of "House of Windsor" cube-cut burley on hand. Apparently a former employee had smoked exclusively that for years. It was stored in a loosely closed bag in their refrigerated humidor. I had never smoked a cube cut tobacco before. It did not feel dry, but not too moist either as far as I can guess.
I bought some, filled a bowl and settled it in by tapping the side of the bowl, then compressed it more with my finger, lit up, tamped and relit. It had a nice flavor with floral and soapy overtones, reminiscent of St. Bruno Flake from James B. Russell that I used to buy in tins. I liked SB Flake a lot. I might like this too, but I think I'll need practice smoking it to get the thick smoke I want.
I thought I had packed it pretty firmly, but I had trouble getting it to deliver a robust smoke stream - seemed like I was sucking mostly air, even with repeated relights.
What's the secret of smoking a cube cut burley? Is it supposed to deliver richly? I need edumacation.
I bought some, filled a bowl and settled it in by tapping the side of the bowl, then compressed it more with my finger, lit up, tamped and relit. It had a nice flavor with floral and soapy overtones, reminiscent of St. Bruno Flake from James B. Russell that I used to buy in tins. I liked SB Flake a lot. I might like this too, but I think I'll need practice smoking it to get the thick smoke I want.
I thought I had packed it pretty firmly, but I had trouble getting it to deliver a robust smoke stream - seemed like I was sucking mostly air, even with repeated relights.
What's the secret of smoking a cube cut burley? Is it supposed to deliver richly? I need edumacation.