Favorite Bond Movie

Brothers of Briar

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Midnight Blues

Well-known member
Dec 10, 2007
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I just finished watching what I consider the best Bond movie, Gold Finger. Talk about a time machine! Whats your Favorite Bond....

Gold Finger here, too. Connery was the best of all of the Bonds.

Actually took a live date, vs blow up doll, to see GF at Grammans (sp) Chinese Theater on Hollywood Blvd, H'wood. I tried acting suave and sophisticated after the movie but she didn't buy it. Went home without. Bought pop corn and everything. My 1953 Ford just didn't work as well as the Aston Martin. Had vibrasonic sound and a 45 rpm machine in it though. Played Peggy Sue for her, too. Did everything right!

thomas james Bond?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Nah!
I liked them all except 1, Moonraker just didnt cut it for me, it was too slow.
Definitely "Thunderball".


Interesting, I just had this conversation with my admin on Friday. Sean Connery is the man! The Timothy Dalton Bonds were ok. Roger Moore stunk!

Daniel Craig shows promise in that he is a man's man like Connery. I hear there is a sequel to "Casino Royale" coming out. Supposedly a continuation of the same book.

Any and all of the Sean Connery 007 movies are A-OK with me. The other Bonds were poor copy cats; not their fault, just hard to follow an icon!! Craig is close to Connery; he has that coldness the others just couldn't muster (IMHO!) The Connery Bond Girls are (again, IMHO!) still some of the most alluring, beautiful women ever in the movies!! FTRPLT

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