Fifth Annual Spring Forward Box Pass

Brothers of Briar

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if no one minds i will take a few more days just for sampling and get the box off by wednesday so it will be at its next location by the Weekend Thanks to all...
Well I had a blast with the box, but it's time for it to head out.

I sampled a ton (enough to toast my tongue), and noted a few in the book. I really liked the Peter Hienrich's #312, and the Maduro cut cake(I really can't wait until that comes out) again.

I took the GLPease Montgomery, and MacBaren Symphony; I added McClelland Grey Haven, and Presbyterien Mixture. Also I added open tins of Old Companion, and McCranie's Mcarris.

I will stop back and add the Tracking# in a bit.

Tracking# 03070020000298244517
Nice Pass! Ken :tongue:
Pacem en Puffing! :tongue: From The Northeast Kingdom! :tongue:
East box whereabouts in research.... :scratch: It was sent on its' way on 9June08 from the Edgewood Branch,Indianapolis,USPS.Destination Emporia,Kansas.I am looking for the receipts,will update as more is known.
I have emailed cigargod to see if he has received the box yet. If I don't hear from him soon I will try and reach him by phone.

By the way, great passes Tony and Ego Archive.

Ken (pipetongue1) it looks like the "West" box is headed your way. I hope you take your time since the "East" box passed you by :cry: .
The East Box has arrived. I got it this afternoon. :cheers: It really looks good - more trades and samples that I'm interested in than most boxes I've received. :pipe: A couple I've never heard of before.

Thanks CigarGod.
Glad the East box found air,I had lost all tracking info!Hope all is well with CG,and enjoy,Mr. H!Tony
Sorry fellas, it's been hectic round here this week, my month old has been sick and have been up all hours of the night with him. I did get to sample a few new tobaccies, and to Mr. Ferrill thank you so much for the tin of Margate. Tony you are the man. And lets not forgett Mikem for putting this all together.

2 Friends Redwood for sampling

samples taken..
The last 2 flakes of Peterson's Irish Flake, love this stuff
Peter Heinrichs 169 sampled in a gr 4 dunhill, good med-full syrian blend
Gawith, Hoggarth Bob's Chocolate Flake, tried small amount in a flake pipe dedicated to lakeland flakes, but do not know if I like it, will have to get an ounce or two with my next baccy purchase.
Even' All, West box landed here in Abington to-day, will go through it to-mo, Ken :tongue:
Pacem en Puffing! :tongue: From The Northeast Kingdom! :tongue:
Even' All, Should get Box out by to-mo, Haven't spent much time with it!! Ken :tongue:
Pacem en Puffing! :tongue: From The Northeast Kingdom! :tongue:
What a great pass. I'm have enjoyed researching many of the blends in the box. I am going to trade for several tins that I'm curious to try, but would not have bought otherwise. Below are my puts and takes.

I have not gotten to smoke as much as I'd like, as we have family staying with us. I'll finish up with sampling this weekend.

McClellands Anniversary - wax seal, 100g
Yenidje Highlander
CAO Midnight Ride
Germain Special Latakia Flake
Robert McConnel Latakia
Pipes and Cigars' Old Red - bulk.

C&D Opening Night
McClellands Rose of Latakia
SG Balkan
Fairmon Dark Fired Shag
Marlin Flake 100g
Yo Dockster, Box Headed your way!
Thanx Mike again for allowing me to play again, and to all of you Box-Passers asd well! Ken. :tongue:
1 Tin of Irish Flake
1 Tin of University Flake
1 Tin Grey Havens
Samples for Later Which I will review
G&H's Broken Scotch Flake
Peretti's DD Blend
SG's Golden Glow
Mc's 2030
GLP's Maduro cut I took it all Just enough for 1 bowl
Morleyson's one of our own Epiphany took it all 2 bowls left Ken :tongue:
Pacem en Puffing! :tongue: From The Northeast Kingdom! :tongue:
Well done Ken! I'll be keepin' an eye out for it tomorrow......


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