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Slow Puffs

Well-known member
Dec 10, 2007
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An American Cocker Spaniel. His name is Jimmy but my grandson prefers Shadow so he is ""Jimmy the Shadow". He arrived Sunday at suppertime.

I'm envious, lost my dog to disease last year and can't go through it again,,,dogs truly are mans best friend,,, Cockers are neat, they have great personality, I know you'll all enjoy him,,,besides, a boy needs a dog,,,and your grandson too :p
I've resisted having a dog since I had to "put down' my special friend in 1976. I felt so badly, literally cried and cried.

Jimmy was born on July 30, 2009 and is of championship stock:

But more importantly, so far, he hasn't made a mess in our house, ie poop or pee..
Slow Puffs":jse5lt0i said:
I've resisted having a dog since I had to "put down' my special friend in 1976. I felt so badly, literally cried and cried.
It really tears me up to lose one,
but I gotta have my critters. :)
I enjoy that morning walk with my little guy and the pipe I smoke
as we walk along the path in the woods.It's high point of some
of my days.

Winslow :sunny:
Congratulations to you and your grandson on the new pup! Everybody...well almost everybody needs a new pup at least once in their lifetime. That reminds me, I need to change avatars.

AWESOME SP :cheers:

Glad you have a new family member!

My old gal Ceili (spayed Golden Retriever bitch) is getting on in years and starting to show it. At 13, she still thinks she can chase deer and squirrels and usually pays the price limping around for a couple of days following a 'hunting'. She is a sweet old gal, and I'm gonna miss her like hell when the time arrives.

May you all enjoy your new puppy!
PAD??? Puppy acquisition disease..

Shadow is a good name.

My fearless warrior cat would share the name with him...

Big goofy dogs are ok, Hershey has become a good 120 lb companion... But my cat is cooler..
I've had to bury a couple of very special dogs over the years and it always makes the thought of getting another seem impossible. But, you have to remember that they need us as much as we need them, and even though we will outlive several and the passing of each one will be unbearable, they enrich our lives and we get the honor of making their lives happy. The best thing you can do for an animal is love it for it's entire life, the worst thing you could do for yourself is to deny yourself years of joy because of the inevitable.

A fine looking dog Puffs!! :D Here's to a long friendship! :cheers:
I still tear up when I think about my departed friends,
but I think the joy they bring us outweighs the pain.
Great looking pooch, Slow Puffs. Does he know any tricks yet? You know, like eating your favorite left boot, or digging up the perennials, or pooping in your neighbor's yard?

All kidding aside, I hope he brings you many years of companionship!
We had a Cocker Spaniel growing up, he was a great dog, let us know when trouble was around. He was a good friend to myself and my two brothers.
This summer we got a Boxer puppy(Buddy), he is now 7 months and weighs about 55 lbs. looks to grow some more, he is a real blast, the kids love him. We have two cats as well, it's really entertaining to watch the interaction of these three.
That is awesome SP! It is good for a man to have a dog and for children to grow up with them. I've never been without one and they truly are the best friends!
EJinVA":hro64rbu said:
This summer we got a Boxer puppy(Buddy), he is now 7 months and weighs about 55 lbs. looks to grow some more, he is a real blast, the kids love him.
That's because Boxers aren't dogs, but a separate species of goofy clown animal that just happens to look like a dog. (No worries, it's a common mistake.)
Yeah, my boxer thought he was human and got indignant if not shown the proper respect as an equal,,,,he would crack me up with his antics then look at me like a concerned parent,,,
Indeed. My niece has one and he does the same "concerned look" thing between each joke he plays on his pet humans. Like he's worried they're not keeping up.

Boxers are the best mood lifters imaginable.

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