Following a few others over here...

Brothers of Briar

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New member
Feb 26, 2014
Reaction score
Hello folks --

I'm checking in here to introduce myself. I have been on a few other pipe forums, one in particular as of late, but this place seems to have attracted many of the folks I met over I figured I should check it out too.
(To be honest, this place has some of the look of a place I was on close to 10 years ago, but I can't figure out what the name of it is/was...anyway).

My basic story:

My wife and I finally made it back to our roots (WI) about 8 years ago and we've now settled in and started our brood. I'm an academic happily teaching at a small liberal arts college -- and no longer doing the "publish or perish" rat race. I'm also a fmr. Marine (CID), director of my local gun club, an avid canoeist, backpacker, hunter, etc. I've been smoking mostly English blends in briars and cobs for just under 20 years. Here's me and my fraulein this past Octoberfest.

Go Pack!


You had me at Director of a gun club..... Welcome! Retired Corpsman here, enjoying the great white north.
Welcome fellow academic! I hope to you posting about the forums

As one relative newbie to another, welcome! And my Kathy says "Hi!" as well. You caught her attention, being from Wisconsin, which is where we'll be in August for her 50th high school reunion. You are definitely in the right place. Love the Oktoberfest togs. Gotta love brats, beer and the Packers!
rigormootis":ocsggboc said:
(To be honest, this place has some of the look of a place I was on close to 10 years ago, but I can't figure out what the name of it is/was...anyway).  
Knox?  :shock: 
Thank you all for the warm welcome!
I see quite a number of fellow academics, sportsman, and Wisconsinites here too!

daveinlax":n7lq1dlk said:
rigormootis":n7lq1dlk said:
(To be honest, this place has some of the look of a place I was on close to 10 years ago, but I can't figure out what the name of it is/was...anyway).  
Knox?  :shock: 
Maybe. The "feel" of it was more about the unpretentious and brotherly tone this place exudes, but back at that time there were virtually no graphics and the interface was pretty crude. I was in grad school at U-Iowa then (between '98-03), a military deployment in '04, and then moved to UGA '04-06. I mention these places, because it might have been a more regional forum. Somewhere from the earlier portion of that time, I was a member -- perhaps for the entire time. It probably doesn't exist anymore and if it does it surely doesn't look like it did back then. I probably wouldn't even recognize it and the email account registered with was my work address, so I can no longer access it to figure it out. Oh well. I'm here now. :)
Good to see you.

I already knew you had good taste in bikes, but wasn't aware we shared so many other interests and first names.