Similar to pipe puffer, I have smoked several good quality tobacs that I just didn't have the taste for. Unlike pipe puffer I have had a "foul" tobacco. It was some sort of bulk aro from my local b&m that my wife picked out from the smell in the jar, peaches and cream or apple strudel or some such similarly dessertish named blend. It was so goopy and wet I literally could not get it to light.
Being a persistent bastard and not willing to let a gift from my wife go to waste without putting up a fight, I left it out to dry in the open baggie...FOR A MONTH! Still, too wet to smoke. Made the room smell good though. Undaunted I put out a few bowls worth on a paper towel...after about a week and a couple of nasty soaked paper towel changings later, it was approaching a moisture content which was at least somewhat combustible, if not exactly ideal. I loaded it into a cob and applied some flame...and some more flame...and finally lit the stuff. Smelled good at first, with a tiny bit of that super sweet aro flavor.
After about 3 sips, that was gone completely to be replaced by a flavorless, hot, wet, gurgling, biting bowl of filth. I tried the tobacco two more times before finally giving up on it. I am not entirely sure what became of the unsmoked portion, although I suspect it may have run off on it's own to live in shame and hiding somewhere appropriately foul and unsavory. I have heard rumors of a strange peach smell permeating a certain section of abandoned subway tunnel in Philly.