Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Apr 10, 2012
Reaction score
Hello all!

I believe I can officially start selling pipes tomorrow, and I have about 6 fresh hand made pipes to list. Before I get to that, I'd like to thank BoB for being such a wonderful group of people to hang out with and learn from. I've thoroughly enjoyed these first 30 days with you guys.

So, in order to thank you all properly, I'd like to give you a chance to win one of my pipes. Mind you, this pipe isn't my best work, but she should be a good smoker, and I guarantee you've never seen another of the like...good bad or indifferent.

As a pipe maker, I'm always looking for the design of my next new pipe. I like them unique and curvy with smooth flowing lines. Whomever can submit the best idea for my next pipe will win the pipe. I'll take pics, drawings or any ideas in any form you can imagine. For example: if you tell me you think I should make a pipe that looks like a pelican's beak, tell me how you would orient the bowl and stem in that particular shape. The more clearly you can help me see the design you have pictured in your head, the better chance you'll have of winning.

No restrictions, you can enter as many deigns as you like. I will ship internationally if needed. The last winner of one of my pipes lived in Papua New Guinea. It took about 3 weeks but it got there.

I'll conclude the contest sometime this Sunday and announce the winner.

Now for the Prize.

This is a fairly small pipe, but she's wide open and should provide a great draw for quality smoking.






Thanks again, and good luck!

Well, I have a few ideas. So long as you allow the submitter to also make the pipe shape (I hope to start carving this summer sometime).

You say all shapes, but do you have a preference? Such as bulldog?
I don't have any ideas off the top of my head unfortunately. That's a beautiful shape in my eyes though. Not partial to shank extensions, but the shape and proportions complement one another quite nicely.

HaHA! Sticky Tack! Genius!

Anyway, I probably won't be able to enter the contest sadly but you can bet I'll be keeping an eye open in the Trading Post :D

kieveryuu":n0ar9h64 said:
Well, I have a few ideas. So long as you allow the submitter to also make the pipe shape (I hope to start carving this summer sometime).

You say all shapes, but do you have a preference? Such as bulldog?
No preferences at all, and of course you could carve your own shape submission. I promise I won't patten it :D I'm just looking for a unique design.
Growley, This is very generous of you as I love your pipes and designs. I will be submitting mutiple ideas for sure!!!The first being a Canadian pencil thin shank with a tall chimney crested with some nice plateau work
how about a full bent bulldog. the meeting at the bowl and shank would be harder I would think. Or a bulldog oom paul
Look. Just expect to see my picture in this thread A LOT. Im sitting here watching the kings game from tonight smoking my Castello. How bout a bulldog hawkbill. The shank hight matching the bowl hieght as it were. Or a hawkbill freehand Dublin with plateau....
A sandblasted cantered Dublin? With or without a bend.
A reverse elephant foot called a blue whale? Smooth fire grain with the plateau on top
A chimney pickaxe style but with a squared off bottom. Would look amazing partially sandblasted with a birds eye rim and sitter bottom.
A reverse calabash bulldog or maybe a top plateau volcano instead of a bottom plateau with Birdseye bottom and shit you could even carve it out to an Pom Paul. An oom Paul volcano. Or a hawkbill volcano. Why not a blood/lava red lucite stem on a volcano?
Sharp bend (but not quite an Oom Paul), well rounded shank-to-bowl transition, and gold-colored band against stem. Something like a full bent, but stretched out a bit. Kinda like in the pic below...

Poker sitter with a 45 degree shank and a straight stem, rusticated. Or you could take the same thing and do it freehand with plateau and a more off freehand style bowl and shank with or without plateau, smooth.
You know another little design that. You'd be used in cool ways that I've been thinking. Of..... The windscreen. Would look great on a Dublin or straight chimney. Rustication with visible grain would really make it pop.
How bout a bell shape like a pete kinsdale but in a straight pipe or even a poker with bulldog lines and a saddle stem.
I'm a California boy. That said, how about a wave or a tunnel wave as it were. Im not big on those overhand finger holds or whatever they are called but in relation to the overall design, of it's original enough it might not be so terrible.
A very generous and fun contest. Thanks, Growley. 8) I wish I had time to draw up the myriad ideas I've had for pipes. Hell, I wish I had the skill and time to carve them all perfectly. :lol: I'm just as curious to see the outcome of the chosen idea, let alone who the winner will be.
I'm thinking a freehand horn this morning over a bowl of Spilman mixture out of my Castello Sea Rock. then again I'm sure that the scotch and tea is helping :)
